+ PHOTOCOPY 26-4-18 (2) Pag. 1
1- If the could play the piano/ 2- If Sarah had ever been to Siena/ 3- If they were French or Canadian/
4- where bears lived?/ 5- who wanted some more yoghurt ice cream/
6- If they were going out tonight/7- Is she could use his mobile/ 8- If you had ever been to Lisbon/
9- what Daddy had made for dinner/ 10- If the Pope was a Catholic/ 11- Who had won the match/
12- If he had already fed the cat already/ 13- Carlos asked how much it cost/ 14- if he liked fried eggs
+ STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 76. Reading
b) We would use the adjective clever because he didn't be angry when he had done his claims if you are shouting when you are doing a claim the people don't help you
c) He thinks the best way to complain is to write a polite letter to the person responsible for the company or the service
1- He got some free packets of biscuits/ 2- He got a Volkswagen Golf GTI for his friend/
3- He got the cost of the holiday worth $2000/ 4- He got to visit the airline's catering facilities
d) 1 Don't lose your temper/ 2- Write a letter/ 3- Know who you are writing to/ 4- threaten action/
5- Don't be too specific/ 6- Use flattery
e) swear= jurar, insultar/ spoil= estropear, echar a perder/ dañarse/ hesitate= vacilar, titubear/
waste your time= malgastar tu tiempo/ make it clear= hacerlo claro, limpio/
f) I think that two tips better are on the one hand don't lose your temper and on the other hand
threaten action
+ STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 77. Pronunciation
a) train (eɪ) = obtain, complain, email, paid, painting
chair (eə)= aerline, fair, hairdresser, repair
computer (ə) = mountain, bargain, certain
b) 1- ai stressed is eɪ (train) y cuando es unstressed is ə (computer)
2- air is usually pronounced eə (chair)
3- Said is pronounced /sed/
c) 1- I'm going to write an email to the airline to complain/ 2- She said that she ha paid for the repairs/
3- You're certain to find a bargain in the sales/ 4- She did a lovely painting of the mountain
* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 163. Word building
1 a) 1+ ation: compensation/ demostration/ explanation
2+ ment: agreement/ arguement/ attachment/ archievement/ payment
3 a nwe world: choice/ delivery/ loss/ response/ sale/ success/ complaint
b) compensation/ demostration/ explanation/ agreement/ arguement/ attachment/ archievement/
payment/ choice/ delivery/ loss/ response/ sale/ success/ complaint
d) 1- Have you ever opened an attachment on an email that contained a virus?/
2- Do you often have arguments with your family?/
3- Do you prefer reading grammar explanations in your own language, or do you think it's better
to read them in English?/
4- Have you ever made a complaint to a company and got compensation?
5- Do you think that there's too much choice when you're shopping. eg. for a new phone?/
6- Have you ever been on a demonstration? What were you protesting about?
* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 77. 6 Listening & Speaking
a) 1- in the taxi, he made a complaint about that the taxi driver overcharged him
2- in the hotel, she made a complaint about the price of the WIFI in her hotel room
3- in the restaurant, she made a complaint about that her food was cold
b) 1- He wrote a letter to the taxi company, but they didn't reply him/
2- She made a complaint at reception hotel and they got back the amount in her bill
3- She made a complaint to the waitress and the manager apologizes and she obtained a free dessert
d) - Hello I'd like to change this sweater because it doesn't fit me well.
Oh, I'm sorry. I will change it by other clothes because I don't have more like that,
but you'd choose other clothes and I'll discount to you a ten percent of its price.
- Hello, you could talk to the manager, because the meal wasn't too fresh and I didn't enjoy it at all.
Oh, I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy the meal, don't worry we will offer you a free one coffee and dessert.
Which one do you want?
threaten= amenazar/ flattery= halago, adulación/ swear= jurar, maldecir/ fond= aficionado/
spoil= estropear, echar a perder/ achieve=logar, conseguir, alcanzar un objetivo/ complaint= queja/
waste your time= malgastar tu tiempo/ be to the point= ir al grano, directa/ least busy= menos ocupado/
hesitate= vacilar, titubear/ unsual departure= salida inusual, hecho inusual/ to sweep= barrer/
symptoms= síntomas/ fasten= atar, abrocharse/ heated again= recalentado/ overdo= exagerar/
to make a complaint= hacer una queja/ cheeky= descarado, mucho morro/ mean= tacaño/
ground meal= carne picada/ dough= pasta. masa/ ridiculous= demasiado como, rídiculo
- Película en Youtube Basil gives Manuel a language lessons. Fawlty Towers: Basil the waiter beater
- Extraphotocopies: Pag. 30
- Student's book: Pag.80. 4 Reading a, b
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