- Fotocopia 10/05
4- a) Have you seen the photographs Ann took?/ b) Did you find the key that-which l lost/
c) I like the jacket which-that Jill is wearing/ d) Where is the money which-that I gave you/
e) I didn't believe the story that-which she told us/
f) How much were the oranges which-that you bought?
5- a) The people we met were very nice/
b) The shoes that-which I'm wearing are not very comfortable/
c) What's the name of the book that-which you are reading?/
d) She didn't get the letter I wrote to her/ e) I've lost the umbrella which-that you gave me/
f) The people who-whom they invited to people didn't come
6- a) What's the name of the hotel you stayed at?/
b) What's the name of the woman whom you spoke to?/
c) The house which-that they live is too small for them?/
d) Did you enjoy the party which-that you went to?/
e) The chair which-that I was sitting on wasn't very comfortable/
f) The map which-that we looked at wasn't very clear/
g) Did you find the book which-that you were looking for?/
h) Who is the man to whom Linda is dancing with?
- Extraphotocpies. Pag. 45. 9A Vocabulary word building
a) 1- I wrote a letter of complaint to the hotel manager as I wasn't happy with the service/
2- The airline didn't offer us any compensation for the ten-hour delay/
3- Listen! The neighbours next door are having another argument/
4- If you buy the washing machine today, we can guarantee next-day delivery/
5- The dinner party wasn't a success because Paul was rude to Richard/
6- My mun learnt to swim when she was 67. I think that's a real achievement/
7- What explanation did Anna give you for not finishing her report?/
8- I got Tony's email, but he forgot to send the attachment/
9- We have an agreement at home that if my husband cooks, I do the washing-up/
10- The shop assistant gave me a very good demonstration of how the gadget worked/
11- Paypal is a safe way of making a payment online/
12- The company made a loss for five years and eventually it had to close down/
13- The house next door is for sale. I'd love to buy it!/
14- The bed was so uncomfortable that I wasn't able to sleep/
15- These sandals are so comfortable. It feels as if I'm not wearing anything on my feet/
16- Having to wait for people makes me really impatient/
17- Nick's unlucky in love, His partners always leave him!/
18- Be careful not to break your leg on the first day of your skiing holiday!/
19- Paolo won't pass the written part of the FCE exam. He writes very carelessly and doesn't check
for mistakes/ 20- Unfortunately, it rained on our wedding day, but we had a great day anyway
- Fotocopia 5/8/18
Hello, do you remember that we would like to get a pet? Today I had read a notice about it. It was an adoption site for dogs. Well, in my opinion, I think that we should adopt one because that poor dogs need a comfortable house and it will be happier than to live in the street. These dogs have had bad experiences and we could give it a house and love so the dog will be very happy. I just know that these dogs are not beautiful sometimes, but I think that the most important to us is that the dog can be intelligent and affectionate. Also, I don't want to spend money on a breed dog, as you have known the breed dogs are very expensive and an adopted dog is fully free. What's your opinion about it?
* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 94. 10A Modern icons
1 Reading
b) 1- He was born in San Francisco B/ 2- At college he dropped out B/
3- His first job was with a company which made video games A/
4- The Apple Macintosh was the first successful computer to use a mouse A/
5- In 1986 he co-founded Pixar A/ 6- Steve Jobs died of cancer in 2011 B/
7- He was 56 years old B
c) 1- It's an Apple computer/ 2- They are friends/ 3- She is his sister/
4- It's the place where is Apple's factory/ 5- It's the Apple's logo
2 Grammar
a) 1- The Macintosh Classic was the personal computer which was made by Apple in 1990/
2- Stephen Wozniak is the American computer engineer who founded Apple Computers with
Steve Jobs and whose computer designs became the original Apple I and Apple II computers/
3- Mone introduced Steve as her brother at the party which she gave to celebrate the publication
of her first novel/ 4- Mountain View is the area in California where Steve Jobs grew up/
5- Jonathan Mak's design, which used Job's silhouette incorporated into the "bite" of a white
Apple logo became a worldwide internet sensation
b) 1- In the sentences 1, 3
2- In the sentence 5
* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 150. 10A relative clauses
+ Oraciones relativas definidas (dan información esencial),
la frase principal no tiene sentido sino le añadimos la oración relativa
- Para dar una importante información acerca de una persona, lugar, o cosa utilizamos las
oraciones relativas. Se forman con PRONOMBRE RELATIVO + SUJETO + VERBO
1- Utilizamos el pronombre relativo WHO cuando el objeto de la accion son PERSONAS
- Se puede utilizar THAT en lugar de WHO ó WHICH.
- NUNCA se puede omitir WHO/WHICH/ THAT/ WHERE en este tipo de oraciones
Ej: Julia's the woman who/that works in the office with me
It's a self-book which/ that teaches you how to relax
That's the house where I was born
2- Utilizamos WHOSE con el significado de "OF WHO" (de quién, cuyo)
"OF WHICH" (del cual, de los cuales)
Ej: Is Frank the man whose brother plays for Manchester United?
It's a plant whose leaves change colour in spring
3- WHO, WHICH y THAT pueden ser omitidas en cuando los verbos en la oración principal
y en la oración relativa tienen un sujeto diferente
Ej. She's the girl who I met on the plane ó She's the girl I met on the plane
WHERE y WHOSE nunca pueden ser omitidos. Is that the woman whose dog barks?
+ Oraciones relativas no definidas (dan información que no es esencial para entender la frase)
- Las frases relativas no definidas dan una información añadida que no es esencial para entender
la frase, si esa información es omitida, la frase continua teniendo sentido
Ej: This painting,
- Las oraciones relativas no definidas siempre van entre comas o una coma y un punto final
Ej: Last week I visited my aunt, who's nearly 90 years old.
- En las oraciones relativas no definidas NUNCA quitamos el pronombre relativo WHO,
WHICH, etc
- En las oraciones relativas no definidas no podemos usar THAT en lugar de WHO/ WHICH
This painting, which was painted in 1860, is worth millions of pounds -- correcta
a) 1- Rob and Corinna, who have twins, often need a babysitter/
2- Downing Street, where the British Prime Minister lives, is in Central London/
3- The sandwich that-which you made me yesterday was delicious/
4- The woman who lived here before us was a writer/
5- Stieg Larsson, who books form the Millennium Trilogy, died in 2004/
6- My computer is a lot faster than the one which you bought/
7- The Mona Lisa, which has been damaged several times, is now displayed behind bulletproof
glass/ 8- Look! That's the woman whose dog bit me last week/
9- On our last holiday we visited Stratford-Upon-Avon, where Shakespeare was born/
10- We all went to the match except Marianne, who doesn't like football/
11- That man who you saw at the party was my boyfriend!/
12- That's the park where I learnt to ride a bike
b) In the sentences 3, 4, 6 and 11 I could use THAT instead of WHO/WHICH
c) 3- Beijing, which is one of the world's biggest cities, hosted the 2008 Olympic Games
4- Michael Jackson's Thriller, which was released in 1982, was one of the best-selling albums of
the 80s/ 6- Sally and Joe, who got married last year, are expecting their first baby
* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 96. 4 Listening
a) The tube map A/ Penguin books B/ London Eye C/ The Beatles' album cover
b) 1- Harry Beck was the man who designed London Tube map/
2- Julia Barfield and David Marks are the couple who designed London Eye /
3- Allen Lane was the man who founded Penguin Books/
4- Peter Blake is the man who designed album cover Beatles
c) 1- is the most recent London Eye B/ 2- is the oldest The Tube map A/
3- has been used in many different products Penguin Books C/
4- used different colours to show different products Penguin Books C/
5- didn't make its designer much money Album cover D/
6- was the result of something that happened to its designer when he was travelling Penguin Books C/
7- was not expected to be popular London Eye B/
8- makes places look nearer than they really are Tube map A
d) In my opinion, I think that the most attractive design is Tube map
In my country, Osborne's Bull is the most popular iconic design, especially for the tourists
* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 97. 6 Vocabulary & Pronunciation
- Nombres compuestos. A menudo ponemos dos sustantivos juntos, donde el primer sustantivo
describe al segundo. Ej: Album cover, the Tube map.
Los nombres compuestos pueden formar una sola palabra. Ej: website, sunglasses
dos palabras. Ej. tourist attraction, football pitch
a) football pitch/ speed camera/ sunglasses/ town hall/ bookcase/ classmate/ profile picture
b) The stong stress normally falls on the first word
c) 1- a cash machine/ 2- a boarding pass/ 3- a parking fine/ 4- a seatbelt/ 5- a traffic jam/
6- tennis court/ 7- sports hall- sports arena/ 8- a ringtone/ 9- science-fiction/ 10- state school/
11- ground floor/ 12- memory stick
kennel= perrera/ vaccination= vacunación/ vaccine= vacuna/ careful= cuidadoso/
careless= descuidado/ carefulness= atención, cuidado, prudencia/ carelessly= descuidadamente/
carefully= cuidadosamente/ bulletproof= a prueba de balas/ amazing= maravilloso, asombroso/
it was cheaper thatn earlier Apple= era mas barato que el Apple anterior/ hosted= albergó, alojó/
released= publicado
- Fotocopia 10/5/18. Exercises 8, 9, 10 & 11
- Extrafotocopias. Pag. 34. 10 A Grammar relative clauses todos
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