martes, 10 de octubre de 2017


10 de octubre de 2017
- WORKBOOK. Pag. 6
a) 3- A Can I eat apples?/ 4- B How can I prevent serious illnesses?/
    2- D Do I really need to eat five a day?

b) 1- T A full-English breakfast every morning isn't good for you/
    2- F The best breakfast is any type of cereal/
    3- F An American nutritionist carefully calcuted the amount of fruit and vegetables we should eat/
    4- T We should eat more than five pieces of fruit and vegetables per day/
    5- F Apples contain a lot of sugar/ 6- F All apples have the same amount of fibre/
    7- T Fats can be good for us/ 8- F You can eat as much red meat as you want to

c) fiction= ficción, invención/ freshly-squeezed= recien exprimido/ disease= enfermedad, dolencia/
    harm= dañar, estropear/ peel= peladura, piel, corteza/ cure= cura

a) Harry
b) 1- thinks that some fruit and vegetables are unhealthy D/
    2- says that most children prefer fast food B/ 3- eats very little fruit A/
    4- is very healthy because he eats a lot of fruit and vegetables C

fiction= ficción, invención/ freshly-squeezed= recien exprimido/ disease= enfermedad, dolencia/
harm= dañar, estropear/ peel= peladura, piel, corteza/ cure= cura/ carbohydrates= carbohidratos/
protein= proteina/ awake= despierto, alerta/ oily= grasiento, aceitoso/ powerful= enérgico, potente/
relaxed= relajado/ sleepy= dormilón/ stressful= estresante/ violent= violento/ 
ready-made food= comida preparada/ heart disease= enfermedad del corazón/ source= fuente de/
teeth= diente/ balance diet= dieta equilibrada/ instead= en lugar de/
fictional number= número ficticio/ suffer= sufrir

a) I'm doing Fine Arts. Where do you come?/ And how many hours of classes do you have a week?/
    Do you know about the party tonigth?/ Do you mean the one for new students?/
    I'm getting ready to move into my flat tomorrow/ Where are you living at the moment?/
    I'm staying in a student hostel/ If you want , we could meet and look around the city

b) I'm buying a few things for dinner/ Yes, but I don't like it very much/
    My boss are depend on me for everything/
    the worst thing is that she always gets the credit and I do all the work/
    That is sound terrible/ Do you have go back to work this afternoon?/
    I always have lunch with my friend/ she doesn´t work on Fridays/
    we usually meet at the nice little Italian restaurant/ Do yo want to come?/
    I need to get home/ My sister is staying with us for a few days.

* FOTOCOPIA 10/10/17. Describe the painting
1/ In the center of the paiting there is a  stewardess, she is serving two cups of coffe, opposite of her
    there are a couple, the woman is speaking to the stewardess. in the right corner there is another
    couple, the man is wearing a cup, and the woman is wear a glass, up to them there is a trolley.
    In the left corner there is a man, he is reading a newspaper, behind of his there are two people,
    one of them is eating a sandwich and the other is listening music and beside of her there is a man
    walking by the plane. At his right side there a child writing in his notebook
    At the top of the painting, in the right corner there are two men, they is watching TV.
    In the middle of painting there is a person reading a newspaper , on his left side there is child,
    he is having a soda.

flight attendant= azafata/ aisle seat= asiento interior (no de ventanilla)/ window seat= asiento de ventanilla/ laggage= equipaje/ baggage= equipaje/ baggage claim= recogida de equipaje/ blanket= manta/ bumpy= turbulencias/ cabin= interior del avion/ cokpit= cabina del piloto, cabina de tripulacion/ complementary= gratis, libre de pago/ domestic= vuelo interno, doméstico/ international= vuelo internacional/ jet lag= cansancio por la diferencia horaria/ land= aterrizar/ lifjacket= chaleco salvavidas/ motion sickness= mareo cuando viajas/ trolley= carrito
overhead compartment= maletero encima de los asientos/ refreshments= refrescos/
the row= la fila/ runway= pista de aterrizaje, pista de despegue/ seatbelt= cinturon de seguridad/ steward= azafato/ stewardess= azafata/ stopover= escala (en un vuelo)/ take off= despegar/
taxi in, out= (in) aproximación a pista, (out) cuando despeja/ 
touch down= cuando las ruedas tocan suelo/ wheelchair= silla de ruedas/ unlikely= improbable/
large pocket= tramo de.../ maybe= podría ser/ background= al fondo d/ opposite= de frente/
in front of= se dan la espalda/ serving= sirviendo/ tray= bandeja/ ashtray= cenicero/

next to= próximo a, al lado de/ under= debajo de/ in top of= en la parte superior/
   behind= detrás de, atrás/ in front of= de frente de, delante de/ on top of= encima de, sobre/
   background= al fondo, en segundo plano/ opposite= enfrente de, frente a/
   left corner= esquina izquierda/ right corner= esquina derecha

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag 8. 1B Family life
a) In the first photo they are a family, and they is doing a family meal./
    at the right top picture there is a grandmother reading a book whit her grandson and the picture,
    at the bottom is a family in them car. they are preparing them holiday
b) 1- father is father and a parent is only one of them, mother or father
    2-  mother is natural mother and stepmother is the woman got married with my father
    3-  brother is son of my parents and brother-in-law is the husband of my sister
    4- a grandfather is the father of my father and great-grandfather is the father of my grandfather
    5- nephew is the son of my uncles and niece is the daughter of my uncles
    6- child has more brothers or sisters and the one child doesn't have any brother and any sisters
   7-  immediate family are parents, and brothers and sisters.
         Extended family are the rest of the family
c) 85% think that it is right for parents to charge rent to children over 25 who have a job and are
    living at home/ 60% have a meal with their immediate family every day/ 26% say that their
    families never argue/ 17% have family members who they don't speak to any more/ 75% think
    that families should look after grandparents

d) Yes I think that the families always argue. In my country we think that the parents never charge
     rent to children, if it's not necessary

a) 1- grandmother - grandsoon/ 2- daughter - father/ 3- son - mother

b) a- Shall I make you a cup of tea? 1 / b- You'll drive too fast 3/
    c- I'm not going to go to university yet 1/ d- I'm standing the night there 2/
    e- I'll drive really slowly 3/ f- It's going to be cold tonight 2

c) a plan or intention C/ an arrangement D/ a prediction B-F/ a promise E/ an offer A

shall= pide la opinión de otro/ survey= encuesta/ suffering= sufriendo/ however= sin embargo/ argue= discutir/ they don't speak to= ellos no se hablan con/ look after= cuidad de, ocuparse de/
on average= por término medio, de media/ charge rent= cobrar una renta/
afford to= permitirse, permitir a/ elderly parents= padres mayores

* STUDENT'S BOOK, Pag. 133. 1B future forms
- be going to + infinitive  (planes de futuro, intenciones y predicciones)
- Utilizamos going to (NO WILL/WON'T) cuando hemos decidido hacer algo
   Ej: My sister going to adopt a chil  /  My sister will adopt a child (INCORRECT)

- Utilizamos going to para hacer una predicción acerca del futuro, especialmente cuando vemos o
  tenemos un hecho evidente
   Ej: I think it's going to rain

- present continous: be + verb + ing (acuerdos futuros)
- Utilizamos el present continuous cuando nos referimos a acuerdos futuros 
   Ej: We are getting married in October / we're meeting at 10.00 tomorrow in the office

- Hay muy poca diferencia ente el present continous y going to for future plans, a menudo se
  pueden utilizar ambos
  Ej: We're going to get married next year -  going to para mostrar que hemos tomado una decisión
        We're getting married on October     -  present continuous enfatiza que tu tienes un acuerdo

- will/ shall + infinitive (decisiones instantaneas, pomesas, ofrecimientos, predicciones, 
                                        hechos futuros, sugerencias)
- Usamos will/won't para decisiones instantáneas, promesas, ofrecimientos y sugerencias.
                                  NUNCA PRESENT SIMPLE
   Ej: I think Barcelona will win             --- Prediccíón
         The election will be on 1st March --- Hechos futuros

- Usamos SHALL (no WILL) con I y WE para hacer ofrecimientos y sugerencias en 
                                                                                                                        frases interrogativas 
   Ej: Shall I help you with your homework? --  ofrecimiento
         Shall we eat our tonight?                      --  sugerencia

- Student' book. Pag. 133 exercises a, b
- Fotocopias Pag. 17, 44

martes, 3 de octubre de 2017


3 de Octubre de 2017
a) 4- Speaker A / 2- Speaker B/ 1-Speaker C/ 5- Speaker D/ 3- Speaker E
I'm on my own= estar solo/ feeling down= deprimido, apagado de ánimo/ heat up= calentar/
couple= dos, un poco/ freezer= congelador/ keep me awake= me mantiene despierto/
stand the smell= soportar el olor/ mood= humor

a) cake= carbohydrates/ chicken= proteins/ pasta= carbohydrates/ salmon= proteins
    proteins = eggs/ lamb/ tuna/ cheese/ fish/ milk/ beef
    carbohydrates = bread/ biscuits/ cakes/ sweet/ rice/ noodles/ crips/ French fries chips
b) - for lunch if you have an important exam or meeting - Proteins
    - for breakfast - Proteins
    - for your evening meal - carbohydrates
    - if you are feeling stressed - carbohydrates
c) The foods are very important for our mood
d) 1- He's a doctor who tells about the foods and how we should eat it
    2- The diets aren't good for people, because the people often begin to feel a little
         depressed, because they are eating fewer carbohydrates
    3- The schoolchildren must have more proteins to make us feel awake and focussed
    4- They are former chess players. Paul had prosciutto and salad and Terry only had pasta.
         Paul was more efficient that Terry because your mind was awake that Terry
    5- They resolved the violence in the nightclub with chocolate.
        They gaven to their clients chocolate at the end of the night and the fights fell dramatically
e) stress= stressful - stressed  / relax= relaxed  / wake= awake / sleep= sleepy/ power= powerful
    violence= violent  /  oil= oily
f) I eat carbohydrates for breakfast and I eat proteins for lunch and dinner. I feel good eat them
    Yes, I always eat some chocolate after dinner. Yes I feel good
    No, I think that I follow eating in the same way

find out= descubrir/ French fries chips= patatas fritas/ chips= patatas fritas (paquete)/
noodles= fideos/ rice= arroz/ research= investigación/ focused= concentrado/ meals= comidas/ former= antiguo/ prosciutto= jamón italiano/ creamy sauce= a la carbonara, salsa de nata/
powerful= eficiente/ come up= se les ha ocurrido, han pensado/ dramatic= dramático, interesante/ brain= cerebro/ causes= hace que/ to release= soltar, liberar, lanzar/ help stop= ayudar a parar/
taste= sabor/ blueberries= arándanos/ up to= hasta/ endorphins= endorfinas/
carbohydrates= carbohidratos/ tiredness= cansancio/ turning into= convirtiendose/ 
oily= aceitoso, grasoso/ throat= garganta/ sore throat= dolor de garganta

a) 1- My partner go out to dinner ten or twelve times in the year
    2- His favourite food is Spanish and chinese food
    3- 1 the food/ 2- the service/ 3- the price/ 4- the atmosphere
    4- Yes, he tried English food. It's too spicy

b) A-3 / B-4 / C-1/ D-6/ E-5/ F-2

c) A- When he open his own restaurant/ B- When he has worked in a English restaurant/
    C- His favourite food/ D- He doesn´t like to cooking desserts because it's very difficult/
    E- He like to make cooking traditional in casserole/
    F- He remember going into the market for the first time

d) 1- Make a people happy and the worst is that it has be the long hours/
     2- Brittish customers are very lovely and customers spanish are absolutly honesty/
     3- the customers who want me to cook something in a way that I don't think is very good/
     4- Yes, unfortunatly he thinks they're getting worse. People are eating more unhealthily

e) 1- My favourite food when I was child was pasta/ 2- I like cooking fried eggs/
    3- Yes, specially when the foods aren't correctly cooked/
    4- Yes, I have a friend who all foods must are too well done.

tip= propina/ batter= rebozo/ sprinkled= rociado/ cookery course= curso de cocina/
taught= enseñado (pasado del v. enseñar)/ burmese= birmano/ trainee chef= chef en prácticas, aprendiz/ paste= masa, engrudo/ running= dirigir/ eating habits= hábitos de comida/
honest= sincero/ pity= pena, lástima/ tought= duro/ shame= vergüenza/ custard= natilla/
seldom= muy pocas veces, raramente/ turbot= rodaballo/ holiday job= trabajo de vacaciones/ several= varios

I'm on my own (ain on mai ooun)= estar solo/
feeling down (filin doun)= deprimido, apagado de ánimo/ heat up (ji:t ap)= calentar/
couple (kapol)= dos, un poco/ freezer (fri:zer)= congelador/ 
keep me awake (lip mi e´ueik)= me mantiene despierto/
stand the smell (stan de smel)= soportar el olor/ mood (mud)= humor
find out (faind aut)= descubrir/ French fries chips (french frais chips)= patatas fritas/
chips (chips)= patatas fritas (paquete)/ noodles (nudels)= fideos/ rice (rais)= arroz/ 
resarch (ri´sech)= investigación/ focused  (feu:kest)= concentrado/ meals (mils)= comidas/
former (fo:mer)= antiguo/ prosciutto (pre:su:tou)= jamón italiano/
creamy sauce (kri:my so:s)= a la carbonara, salsa de nata/ powerful (pauerfol)= eficiente/
come up (kam ap)= se les ha ocurrido, han pensado/ dramatic (drem@tik)= dramático, interesante/ brain (brein)= cerebro/ causes (ko:ses)= hace que/ to release (tu ri´lis)= soltar, liberar, lanzar/
help stop (jelp stop)= ayudar a parar/ taste (teist)= sabor/ blueberries (blu´beris)= arándanos/
up to (ap tu)= hasta/ endorphins (en´do:fins)= endorfinas/
carbohydrates (ka: bou jaidreits)= carbohidratos/ tiredness (taierd nis)= cansancio/
turning into (ternin intzu)= convirtiendose/ oily (oili)= aceitoso, grasoso/
throat (zrout)= garganta/ sore throat (sor zrout)= dolor de garganta
tip (tip)= propina/ batter (b@t er)= rebozo/ sprinkled (sprinkeld)= rociado/
  cookery course (kukery co:rs)= curso de cocina/ taught (to:t)= enseñado (pasado del v. enseñar)/ burmese (be:mi:s)= birmano/ trainee chef (treini: chef)= chef en prácticas, aprendiz/
paste (peist)= masa, engrudo/ running (r@´nin:)= dirigir/ several (sever:el)= varios
eating habits (itin: j@bits)= hábitos de comida/ honest (honist)= sincero/
pity (piti)= pena, lástima/ tough (t@f)= duro/ shame (Seim)= vergüenza/
custard (k@sted)= natilla/ seldom (seldem)= muy pocas veces, raramente/
turbot (te:bet)= rodaballo/ holiday job (joledey iob)= trabajo de vacaciones/

- Fotocopias Pag 1, 2, 3