jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2017


30 de noviembre 2017
* GRAMMAR BOOK. Pag.232. 10 Vocabulary Family and Friends
1) 1- Jane got married to her husband, Bob four years ago/
    2- Jane's friends think that she and she and Bob are the perfect couple/
    3- They haven´t  got any children yet, but they want a large family/
    4- Jane's twin sister, May, was born half an hour before she was/
    5- Jane and Mary look alike but are not exactly the same/
    6- Mary isn't married.  She says she prefers to be single/
    7- She says she believes in friendship, but doesn't believe in marriage/
    8- Diana is Jane and Mary's elder sister. She calls them her"little sisters"/
    9- Diana has been engaged for three years, but hasn't got married yet/
  10- She has a career and doesn't like the idea of being a housewife 

2) 1- All Sue's friends and relations/ relatives came to her party/
    2- I occasionally meet Terry, but he's more a/an acquaintance than a friend/
    3- When Paul arrived, he received a warm and friendly greeting/
    4- Six months after their engagement, Michael and Lisa got married/
    5- There was a great celebration in the village when their team won the cup/
    6- In an ideal marriage, husband and wife share each other's problem/
    7- Dina and her mother look alike. There is a strong resemblance between them/
    8- Matt cried when he heard about the death of his old dog

3) 1- Children are not allowed to see this film. It's for adults only/
    2- By the time the vet arrived, the injured cat was already dead/
    3- Unfortunately it rained on Nick and Helen's wedding day/
    4- David and Diana have two sons and one daughter/
    5- I think we should try to understand the problems old people/
    6- There should be more facilities for young people in this town/
    7- More than fifty relatives were invited to Jack's party/ 8- It's my birthday today. I'm 18 years old

4) 1- I've started going out with George's younger sister f/
    2- When little Tina is grown up she wants to be an astronaut i/
    3- I wonder if you could put us up for a few days next week? j/
    4- Carol doesn't really get on well with her mother in law h/
    5- Everyone says that Tom takes after his father a/
    6- Let's have some friends round for dinner on Friday g/
    7- Do you think you could look after while I'm away? e/
    8- Why don't we all get together again next Friday evening? b/
    9- Ellen and Laura were brought up by an aunt after their parents died c/
  10- If I have time I'll drop in on Steve for a chat d/

5) 1- We've got a new neighbour called Helen Willis.She moved into the house next door yesterday e/
    2- This is Sue. She's a colleague of mine. We both work in the same department at the bank d/
    3- Andrew is going to be our best man. When John and I get married he'll stand next to John g/
    4- At the end of the evening I thanked our host I was happy that he'd invited me to this party a/
    5- I'm sure that the Mary will be a wonderful bride.
        She's a dressmaker and has designed her own wedding dress h/
    6- Next week I'm going to stay with my grandparents.
        They're both in their seventies, but they live a very full life f /
    7- I've always got on well with my sister-in-law even before she married my brother we'd become
        good friends b/
    8- Georgina is the ideal guest. She always offers to help in the house when she stays with us c/

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 137. 3B exercise b
b) 1- How often do you go to the gym? About three times a week. But I never go on -- Fridays/
    2- What time does the train leave? In ten minutes. Can you give me a lift to the station?/
    3- What a lovely dress! Thanks. I bought in the sales -- last month/
    4- What's the most interesting place to visit in your town?
         Probably the castle. It's the oldest building in town/
    5- What shall we do -- next weekend?/ Let's invite some friends for -- lunch.
        We could eat outside in the garden/
   6- Do you like-- dogs? Not really. I prefer -- cats. I think they're the best pets/
   7- Is your mum a housewife? No, she 's a teacher. She's always tired when she finishes -- work/
   8- Have you ever had a problem in your relationship?
       Yes, but we got over the problem and we got married -- last year/
   9- When is the meeting? They've changed the date. It's -- next Tuesday now

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 29. 3 Pronunciation
a) di=  the end/ the other day/ the internet/ the answer/ the Earth
    de= the cinema/ the world/ the sun/ the kitchen/
b) 1- I like football, I enjoy watching on Tv a good match football,. When my favourite team is
         playing I really enjoy it. Athletic Bilbao is my favourite team because I was born in Bilbao
         but my wife doesn't like football, she hates when I stay watching a football match and I don't
         want to walk or going shopping with her

   2- I don't like fashion. I think that the fashion is a business created by the firms to people wasted
       your money. I don't like fashion because all people is wearing the same clothes. They are as
       school children all wearing the same uniform, but my wife is in love with the fashion. She likes
       going shopping and buy the newest clothes every month. Her wardrobe is like a great fashion

the + vocal =  (di)  Ej. The internet, the awful day, the only
the + consonante= (de) Ej: the watch, the match, the sun

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 30. 5 Reading & listening
a) Yes, I think that women are better than men at looking after small children.
    It is own of their personality
    Yes, my friend when he was unemployed he was looking after baby daughter, but he preferred
    to look for a new job before that look after to his daughter. He said it was better a hard job than
    look after his daughter. She was terrible.

b) backpack= mochila/ nappies= pañales/ first aid= botiquin/ tissues= pañuelos/
    wet wipes= toallitas húmedas/ baby spoon= cuchara de bebe/ bibs= baberos/
    baby bottle= biberon/ a changing mat= manta para cambiar (al niño)/ flannel= manopla/
    house keys= llaves de casa/ powdered milk tin = bote de leche en polvo/
    jar of nappy cream= bote de crema para niños/ thermomether= termómetro/ rucksack= mochila

c) Absolutely he no idea how to look after his baby and he wanted to help to other men in this
    It is different because is a set of instructions that explains with military precision and diagrams
    how new father should approach the first three years of their child's life

d) 1- Miranda is older than Stephen F/ 2- Miranda's father slept badly the night before T/
    3- Stephen's father recommends sleeping tablets F/
    4- Stephen's father hasn't read Commando Dad F/
    5- He likes the website because he enjoys reading about other men's experiences T/
    6- Stephen¡s father really likes the book because it helps him and makes him laugh T/
    7- In Commando Dad, BT mean's "Baby trooper" and "Base Camp" means the kitchen F/
    8- The autor of Commando Dad thinks that women are only better than men when the baby is
        small F

e) 1- No, Stephen was four months old/ 3- No, Stephen's father recommends ear-plugs/
    4-No, Stephen's father's read it/ 7- Base Camp is the baby's bedroom/
    8- No, he thinks that women are only better than men when the baby is ill

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.31. 6 Speaking
a) Generally speaking/ they tend to/ are also usually / in general

b) Generally speaking, I think the women worry more about their appearance than men because
     they usually tend to spend more time in front the mirror than men.

backpack= mochila/ nappies= pañales/ first aid= botiquin/ tissues= pañuelos/
wet wipes= toallitas húmedas/ baby spoon= cuchara de bebe/ bibs= baberos/
baby bottle= biberon/ a changing mat= manta para cambiar (al niño)/ flannel= manopla/
house keys= llaves de casa/ powdered milk tin = bote de leche en polvo/
jar of nappy cream= bote de crema para niños/ thermomether= termómetro/rucksack= mochila/
look after= cuidar de/ manage= manejar/ bringing up children= criando niños/ 
brought= pasado de verb. traer (trajo)/ army= ejército/ first-rate= primera categoria/ 
father of X children= padre de X chicos/ sort of= como qué, tipo de/ multitasking= multitarea

-  The sound of English.http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/

- Fotocopia 23/11/17. Celebration St. Andrew's Day
- Grammar Book. Pag. 136,138,139



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