martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017


21 de noviembre 2017
- GRAMMAR BOOK. Pag. 25- 26. Grammar 6 Present Perfect
1) 1- Have you cut yourself?/ 2- I have had a headache ever since lunchtime/
    3- Nadia has never seen any Chinese films/ 4- Someone has stolen Mr. Grant's bike/
    5- The passengers are tired because they haven't slept all night/
    6- I'm afraid we have just broken your window. Sorry!/
    7- David hasn't won a prize this time, I'm afraid/ 8- Have you ever eaten Spanish food?

2) 1- We've been married for 25 wonderful years!/  2- I've been on holiday to Australia/
    3- I've written 23 letters!/ 4- I've never eaten snails before/
    5- I've loved you since the day we met!/ 6- Oh no! I've broken my pencil!

3) 1- Luis has lived in the city centre since 1996/
    2- Thanks for the present! I've always wanted a pet goldfish!/
    3- Have you ever drunk pineapple juice?/ 4- I've just heard some fantastic news!/
    5- Haven't you finished yet?/ 6- Nina has worked in this company for five years/
    7- I've never been on a big ship before /
    8- We're very busy today. So far we've sold over a hundred bikes/
    9- I've often passed this building/ 10- I've already read this one

4) 1- We've worked here for three years/ 2- I've never been on a plane before/
    3- That's strange! it has disappeared!/ 4- Nicky and Ian have left this school/
    5- I've just seen a friend of yours/ 6- I haven't finished reading my notes yet/
    7- Have you been to South America before?/ 8- Oh no! I've left my wallet in the car/
    9- We haven't spoken to your sister for a long time/ 10- Has Ana woken-got up yet?

- Los stative verbs solo se usan en tiempos simples (present simple & past simple) , y no se
  utilizan en tiempos continuous (present continuous & past continuous).
   A menudo los stative verbs describen acerca de si nos agrada o desagrada  algo y acerca de
   estados de pensamiento. Nunca para en frases de acción
  Los dynamic verbs son los el resto de verbs que no son stative, y se utilizan en frases de acción.

- Algunos verbos pueden ser a la vez stative verbs y dynamic verbs
  - TO BE: generalmente es un stative verb, pero cuando se usa en la forma continua (present 
    continuous & past continuous significa creer algo, comportarse como o actuar como
    Ej: you are stupid= es una parte de tu personalidad
          you are being stupid= es solo ahora, no generalmente. Está comportandose como

  - TO HAVE: es stative verb cuando tiene el significado de tener, poseer y es dynamic cuando 
    forma parte de una expresión
     Ej: I have a car = poseer, tener = stative verb
           I'm having a party/ a picnic = forma parte de una expresion = dynamic verb

- TO SEE: es stative verb cuando hace referencia a lo que ves con los ojos y a lo que entiendes
                  es dynamic verb cuando hace referencia a encontrarse o ver a alguien
                                             cuando se tiene una relación con una persona
   Ej: I see her now = referencia a ver con los ojos = stative verb
         I've been seeing my boyfriend for three years = referencia a una relación = dynamic verb
         I'm seeing Robert tomorrow = referencia de reunirse con alguien = dynamic verb

- TO TASTE (también TO SMELL, FEEL, LOOK) es stative verb cuando hace referencia al
   sabor tiene de algo
         Es dynamic verb cuando se refiere a la accion de saborear algo
   Ej: This soup tastes great = hace referencia a como sabe = stative verb
         The chef is tasting the soup = hace referencia a la acción de saborear algo= dynamic verb

- TO THINK: es stative verb cuando hace referencia a expresar una opinion
                        es dynamic verb cuando hace referencia a algo que estamos pensando o tenemos
                            en la cabeza
   Ej: I think that coffee is great = hace referencia a una opinión = sative verb
         I'm thinking about my nex holiday = hace referencia a algo que pasa por la cabeza= dynamic verb

* BOOK FOR SPEAKERS OF SPANISH. Pag.5. Comparatives and superlatives: adjectives and adverbs
- Los comparativos de adjetivos de una sola sílaba se forman añadiendo -er al final del mismo
  Ej: The other car is cheaper               /  The other car is MORE CHEAP (INCORRECT)
        Spain is bigger than Germany     /  Spain is more big than Germany (INCORRECT)

- Recuerda que TAN... COMO    es      AS ... AS      en Inglés
  Ej: Spain is almost as big as France               /  Spain is almost so big as France (INCORRECT)
       There aren't  as many people as last year  /  There aren't so many people (INCORRECT)
       You can go as often as you want               /  You can go how often like you want (INCORRECT)

- Recuerda que IGUAL QUE     es     THE SAME AS  en Inglés
  Ej: Your camera is the same as mine!   /   Your camera is the same than mine! (INCORRECT)

- Recuerda usar OBJECT PRONOUNS (me, you, it, him, her, us, them) después de THAN ó AS
  Ej: My sisters are older than me  /  My sisters are older than I   (INCORRECT)
        He's as clever as hr               /   He's as clever as she             (INCORRECT)

- Recuerda usar adverbios cuando comparas dos acciones
  Ej: Can you speak a bit more slowly?  /   Can you speak a bit more slow?   (INCORRECT)

- Recuerda usar -EST ó MOST + ADJECTIVE para describir como lo MAS o MEJOR que hay
  Ej: The most comfortable way to travel in Spain is the AVE
        The more comfortable way to travel in Spain is the AVE (INCORRECT)

- Después de un superlativo se utiliza IN antes de un lugar, NUNCA  OF
  Ej: Avila is the highest provincial capital in Spain /  Avila is the highest provincial of Spain 

a) 1- What's the quietest way to get across London?/ 2- Driving is more boring than going by train/
    3- The boat was nearly as fast as the bike/
    4- Oxford is the same distance from London as Brighton/
    5- There aren't as many trains as there were before on this line/
    6- It was the most exciting journey I've ever had/
    7- The worst time of ay to travel in London between 7.30 a.m. and 9.30 a.m./
    8- woman drive more carefully than men

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.136 Grammar Bank 3A.Comparatives and superlatives.Adj and Advs.
- Usamos los adjetivos comparativos para comparar dos personas, sitios, cosas, etc. y pueden ser:
   - Adjetivos comparativos regulares:
    old= older  /  big= bigger/  easy= easier / modern= more modern / difficult= more difficult
   - Adjetivos comparativos irregulares:
    good= better  / bad= worse  /  far= further
  - Adjetivos de una sola sílaba que terminan en -ed:
    bored= more bored /  stressed= more stressed /  tired= more tired

- Usamos para hacer comparaciones la expresión  (not) as + adjective + as
  Ej: the new sofa isn't as comfortable as the old / the new sofa is as comfortable as the old
                                     │           │        │                                         │        │           │
                                    AS  Adjective   AS                                     AS   Adjective   AS

- Usamos object pronoun después de THAN ó AS o un subject pronoun
   Ej: She's taller than me /  She's taller than I am /  She's taller than I (INCORRECT)

- Usamos THE SAME AS para decir que dos personas, cosas, lugares, etc son identicos
   Ej: Her dress is the same as mine  /  Her dress is the same than mine (INCORRECT)

- Usamos para comparar dos acciones los adverbios comparativos y pueden ser:
   - Adverbios comparativos regulares:
      fast= faster  /  slowly= more slowly    /   carefully= more carefully
   - Adverbios irregulares:
      well= better  /  badlly= worse
   -  Usamos la expresion para hacer comparaciones  (not) as +  adverbio  + as
       Ej; Max doesn't speak English as well as his wife does/   I don't earn as much as my boss
                                                        │     │  │                                               │     │   │
                                                      AS  Adv AS                                          AS  Adv  AS

+ Utilizamos los adjetivos y adverbios superlativos para comparar personas, cosas o acciones         con todo de su grupo.
   - Para formar superlativos como comparativos, utilizamos: la terminación -est  NO -er
                                                                                                       most / least   NO   more / less
      Ej: Kevin is the tallest player in the team  NO  Kevin is the taller player (INCORRECT)
            Oslo is the most expensive capital in Europe NO Oslo is the more expensive capital in Europe
            The small bag is the least expensive  NO  The small bag is the less expensive

   -  Utilizamos THE antes de los superlativos, pero también se pueden usar Adjetivos posesivos
      Ej: Lucy is the best student in the class  /   my best friend   /   their most famous song

   - A menudo se utiliza un superlativo con el present perfect + ever
     Ej: It's the best book I've ever read
   - Después de los adverbios y adjetivos superlativos  usamos IN NUNCA  OF
      Ej: It's the best beach  in England  /  It's the best beach of England  (INCORRECT)
            It's the longest bridge in the world  /  It's the longest bridge of the world (INCORRECT)

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 136 3A exercices
a) 1- I think skiing is easier than horse-riding/ 2- A motorbike is more powerful than a scooter/
    3-I think that travelling by train is the most relaxing form of transport/
    4- You walk more slowly than I do/ 5- The worst time to travel is on holiday weekends/
    6- The furthest than I've ever driven is from London to Edinburgh/
    7- The London underground is older than the subway in New York/
    8- This is the hottest coach I've ever been on/ 9- Of all my family my mum is the best driver

b) 1- A coach isn't as comfortable as a train/ 2- It's the most expensive car we've ever bought/
    3- The traffic was worse than we expected/ 4- This is the longest journey I've ever been on/
    5- He gets home late, but his wife arrives later than him/
    6- The most interesting place I've ever visited is Venice/
    7- I leave home at the same time as my brother/
    8- He drives more carefully than his girlfriend/
    9- We don't go abroad as often as we used to/ 10- What's the longest motorway in the UK?

as much = uncountable   / as many= countable  / same as= igual que/ as often= con tanta frecuencia

* FOTOCOPIA 21/11/17
a) 1- Your bicycle is faster than mine!/ 2- It's much hotter than it was yesterday, isn't it?/
    3- I think you look prettier when you wear your hair up/
    4- They're a lot more expensive than last time/ 5- He's got a lot worse/
    6- His new film is much more entertaining than his last one/
    7- Tell us another jok- but a shortter one this time!/ 8- Mabe I'll be more lucky next time/
    9- The Russian athlete threw the discus further than all the others and won gold/
   10- I think these biscuits are even nicer than the last ones you made!

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 26. 3A. 5 Pronunciation
b) 1- I think that is more dangerous  cycling than driving a car/
    2- I think than is easier learning to drive than learning to ride a horse/
    3- I think that flying is more relaxing  than driving/
    4- I think that is more difficult sleeping on a train than sleeping on a car/
    5- I think that waiting at an airport is boring

A menudo enlazamos las palabras en inglés, generalmente cuando hablamos rápido

6 Listening
a) I usually when I driving l'm listening my favourite music

b) I think the most dangerous is 1 sending or receiving text messages, 2 talking on a mobile,
    3 setting or adjusting a satnav
    1- Sending or receiving text messages/ 2- Setting or adjusting a sat nav/
    3- doing your hair or putting on make-up/ 4- talking on a mobile/ 5- eating or drinking/
    6- listening to your favourite music/ 7- listening to music you don't know

c) 1- you need to use both hands/ 2- you take off eyes on the road/ 3- you're lookin on the mirror/
    4- you driving more slowly and the control of the car is worse/
    5- you use the steering wheel only with one hand/
    6- you drive faster and more slowly, it depend the music/ 7- it does not distract you from the road

hazardous= peligroso/ carry on= continua/ steering wheel= volante/
double your change= duplica la posibilidad/ loud= alto volumen/
got through a red light= saltarse un semaforo en rojo/safest= lo más seguro

- Grammar book: Pag. 150-154



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