jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2017

Present perfect / Present perfect continous / Present simple/ Past simple

9 de noviembre de 2017
* GRAMMAR Pag. 27
Present Perfect Continous: forma
Para el present perfect continous con el present pefect del verbo BE + verbo + ING
Ej.: I 've been waiting here all morning
           │   │       │
Pres Perf  AUX  Verb. ING

     What have you been doing lately
                │              │       │
         Pres Perf      AUX   Verb+ING

     I haven't been sleeping well recenttly
             │        │         │
   Pres Perf   AUX   Verb+ING

- Present perfect continous: significado
Usamos el present perfect continuous para:
1- Hablar de hechos pasados los cuales están todavia vigentes en el presente, 
     pero con una acción o situación que todavia está ocurriendo
Ej: What have you been doing lately? / I've been working a lot /How long have you been living here?

2- Para enfatizar la duración del tiempo de la acción. 
    Cubre un periodo de tiempo hasta el momento actual.
Ej: I've been waiting here all morning   /   I've been feeling ill for weeks

3- Para enfatizar que la acción es temporal
Ej: I've been staying in a hotel for the past month

4- Para describir acciones repetidas una y otra vez
Ej: I've been phoning her for days, but she's never at home

5- Cuando acabamos de terminar una acción o esa acción toda continua realizandose
Ej: I've been working hard all morning. Now I'm going to have a rest  (acción terminada)
      I've been reading a good book lately                                                (acción terminada)

- Present perfect continous + time expressions
Las expresiones de tiempo que utilizamos con el present perfect continous a menudo son:
  all day,  all morning,  for days,  for ages,  lately,  recently,  since,  for

- Present perfect o present perfect continous?
Con los verbos LIVE, WORK se puede utilizar igualmente los dos tiempos
Ej: I've worked / been working here for two years  -  I've lived/been living here for two years

El presente perfect hace referencia al resultado y el present perfect continous a la accion misma
Ej; I've written that report for Jackie. It didn't take long                       (resultado terminado)
     I've been writting that report for Jackie and I still haven't finished  (acción )

Si damos detalles de cuanto ó cuantos NUNCA present perfect continous
Ej: I've written four emails   /   I've done a lot of cooking and cleaning this afternoon

- Present simple o Present perfect?
El present simple describe hábitos o situaciones en el presente,
                                  pero el present perfect describe un tiempo pasado hasta el momento actual
Ej: I live in Prague (una situación permante, yo siempre vivo alli)
      I've lived in Prague for two years  (Llegué a Praga hace dos años y todavia vivo allí)

- Past simple o Present perfect?
El past simple hace referencia a un evento en un periodo de tiempo ya terminado.
Present perfect se utiliza para un periodo de tiempo pasado y continua hasta el momento actual
Ej: I lived in Prague in the nineties      (ahora yo vivo en algun otro lado)
     I 've lived in Prague since the ninerties ( Yo todavia vivo alli)

La elección del tiempo utilizad  depende si enfocamos la atención al pasado o al presente
Ej: I had an umbrella, I left it on the bus (hace referencia a un hecho distante en mi mente)
      Oh no! I've left my on umbella on the bus  (el hecho está presente en mi mente)

- Have been y have gone
Se utiliza have been para un lugar, si hemos ido a un sitio y tenemos que volver de alli ahora
                have gonna para un lugar, si hemos ido a un sitio pero no volvemos de ese lugar
Ej: Melissa has been to China   (y ella tiene que regresar)
     Melissa has gonna to China (y ella todavia está allí)

Present Perfect  ----   He estado       /   Past simple ----   Estuve

Stative Verbs to BE, HAVE, KNOW, LIKE, WANT  ----  Present perfect simple

Action Verbs to WRITE, RUN, DO, MAKE, LISTEN  -- Present perfect continous

Cuando el significado del verbo HAVE  es diferente de poseer se convierte en ACTION VERB
 y por lo tanto se utilizaria con present perfect continous 

- FOTOCOPIAS Pag. 19. 2B GRAMMAR present perfet + for/ since - Present perfect continous
a) 1- H's been cooking/ 2- She's been playing the violin since she got up this morning/
    3- Melanie hasn't been feeling well since last week. She has flu/
    4- You've been looking at her for hours. Go and talk to her!/
    5- Your face looks like a tomato! What have you been doing?/
    6- Tim's been reading the instructions for hours

b) 1- How long has he been waiting to speak to someone? He's been waiting for half an hour/
    2- How long have you been working here? I've been working here for three months now/
    3- How long have you been going out with Rob? We've been going out since we left school/
    4- How long has Penny been single? I think she's been single since she broke up with Paul/
    5- How long have you had your driving licence? I've had it for ten years/
    6- How long has Pete been trying to find a job? He's been trying to find a job since he left
       the university last year, but no luck!/
    7- How long has your sister wanted to be a doctor? She's wanted to be a doctor since she was
      seven years old/
    8- How long have you know Terry? I've known him for years. He's an old friend of the family

a) 1- Yes, he was furious/ 2- Is Oliver's flat small?/ 3- Are you affraid of flying?/
    4- Was the food nice?/ 5- Are youvery hungry?/ 6- Is your parents' house big?/
    7- Was it cold in Moscow?/ 8- Was Jack's kitchen dirty?/
    9- Are your parents happy about the wedding?/ 10- Was the film funny?/
   11- Are you sure you  locked the door?/ 12- Were you surprised to hear that Ted is getting married?

b) angry - furious / small - tiny / affraid - terrified / niece - delicious / hungry - starving /
    big - enormous / cold - freezing / dirty - filthy / happy - delighted / funny - hilarious /
    sure - positive / surprised - amazed

d) 1- I went to Canary Islands and the water in pool's hotel was absolutely freezing/
    2- Yes, when the ciclyst have been running in the sidewalk it make I furious/
    3- Yes, I hate snakes I'm terrrified by them/
    4- I eaten Brittish' cake,  it was delicious/ Yes, there are a comedy called Here isn't possible to live
        it's absolutely hilarious

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 114. Writting an informal email
a) 1- She apologizes for not writting before/
    2- She thanks them for her stay and says how much she enjoyed it/
    3- She talks about the nice things that happened when she was with them/
    4- She talks about what she's been doing recently/ 5- She promises to send some photos/
    6- She thanks them again and invites them to stay

b) 1- I've been busy/ 2- English/ 3- don't/ 4- trip/ 5- being/ 6- to buy/ 7- messages/ 7- I'll send /

Lenguaje conveniente para hacer emails informales:
Hi+ name (o Dear+ name si tu quieres ser un poco más formal)
Sorry for not writting ealier, but...
Thanks you/ Thanks (so much) for (your letter, having me to stay, etc)
It was feat to hear from you
That's all for now
Hope to hear from you soon/ Lookinf forwart to hearing from you soon
(Give my) regards / love to
Best wishes / Love (from)
PS ( cuando tu quieres añadir un corto mensaje al final del email. I've attached a photo

- Grammar Book. Pag. 29 - 31
- Thursday Writting an informal email as Pag. 114. STUDENT'S BOOK

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