16 de noviembre de 2017
* GRAMMAR BOOK. Pag. 224. 7 Vocabulary Money and shopping
1) 1- second -hand/ 2- can't afford it/ 3- pay you back/ 4- save up/ 5- in debt/ 6- annual income/
7- in a sale/ 8- to well of/
2) 1- pocket money/ 2- cash desk/ 3- department store/ 4- bookshop/ 5- cut price/ 6- shop assistant/
7- credit card/ 8- carrier bag
3) 1- Dora earns/ 2- for a raise in their wages/ 3- Paul borrowed some money/ 4- only cash/
5- by cheque/ 6- you still have the receipt/ 7- do you have change?/ 8- I still owe the bank
4) 1- I'll leave it/ 2- we're out of stock at the moment/ 3- sorry, we only accept cash or cheques/
4- I'm just looking/ 5- How would you like to pay?/ 6- Not at all, madam. It's a pleasure/
7- How much is it?/ 8- Could you explain how it works?
5) 1- a packet of biscuits/ 2- a tube of toothpaste/ 3- a tin of tomatoes/ 4- a carton of milk/
5- a box of tissues/ 6- a bar of chocolate/ 7- a bunch of bananas/ 8- a loaf of bread
6) 1- go shopping/ 2- street markets/ 3- looking for bargains/ 4- looking at each stall/
5- asking about prices/ 6- many goods in sale/ 7- are less expensive than/
8- the quality is not always as good/ 9- you want to spend/ 10- are often cheaper/
11- to try them on/ 12- it's always worth looking at/ 13- you can save/ 14- usually good value/
15- lots of heavy bags
second-hand= de segunda mano/ can't afford= no poder permitirselo/
pay you back= devolverte el dinero/ save up= ahorrar/ in debt= en deuda/
annual income= ingresos anuales/ in a sale= en rebajas/ be well-off= adinerado, pudiente/
cut price= precio rebajado/ carrier bag= bolsa para transportar algo/
pocket money= asignación monetaria/ cash desk= mostrador de caja en una tienda/ bookshop=libreria/ department store= grandes almacenes/ shop assistant= vendedor, dependiente/ credit card= tarjeta de crédito/ to borrow= pedir prestado, tomar a préstamo/
cash= dinero en efectivo/ cheque= cheque bancario/ receipt= recibo, comprobante de una compra/
wages= salarios/ change= cambio (dinero suelto)/ owe= tener una deuda, estar deudor/
explain= explicar/ tube= tubo (tipo de envase)/ tin= lata ( tipo de envase)/
bar= barra, tableta, pastillla/ carton= tetrabrick (tipo de envase)/ bunch= manojo, racimo, ramo/
loaf= hogaza, rebanada/ to wander= deambular/ to spend= gastar/ to save= ahorrar/
bargains= gangas, ocasión de comprar/ stall= puesto, caseta en un mercado/
goods= productos, articulos/ spend= gastar/ cheaper= más barato/ try on= probarse (ropa)/
worth= digno de su valor/ save= ahorrar/ value= valor (sobre el precio de algo)/ heavy= pesado/
- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.155 Transport
1 a) 6- carriage/ 2- coach/ 7- lorry/ 3-motorway/ 1- platform/ 8- scooter/ 4- the underground/ 9- tram/
5- van
2 a) 1- car crash/ 2- cycle lane/ 3- parking fine/ 4- pedestrian zone/ 5- petrol station/ 6- road works/
7- rush hour/ 8- seat belt/ 9- speed camera/ 10- speed limit/ 11- taxi rank/ 12- traffic lights/
13- traffic jam/ 14- zebra crossing
- Nombres compuestos son dos sustantivos juntos, el primer sustantivo describe al segundo
Ej: child seat = asiento de niño/ bus stop= parada de autobus
- En los nombres compuestos el primer nombre es pronunciado con mayor fuerza que el segundo
* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 155. Transport
3) 1- It takes me about forty minutes to get to school when I've been walking to there
2- It takes me about ten minutes to get from my house to Indautxu square
- Usamos la expresión take (+person)+ time (+ to get to) para hablar de la duracion de un viaje
Ej: It takes me more that an hour to get to work
- Frases verbales realacionadas con el transporte y los viajes
set off= partir, salir de viaje / pick me up= recogerme (de un sitio)/
ended up = terminar o encontrarte en un sitio o situacion que tu no esperabas/
watch out!/ look out!= poner atencion o tener cuidado con algo que genera peligro o una situación
running out of= terminar las existencias de algo (gasolina, etc.)
carriage= vagón de tren/ coach= autobús de larga distancia/ lorry= camión/ motorway= autopista/
platform= andén/ scooter= ciclomotor/ the underground= metro/ tram= tranvia/ van= furgoneta/
car crash= accidente de coche/ cycle lane= carril bici/ parking fine= multa de aparcamiento/
pedrestian zone= zona peatonal/ petrol station= gasolinera, estación de servicio/
road works= arreglo de carretera, obras viales/ rush hour= hora punta/
seat belt= cinturón de seguridad (en el coche)/ speed camera= radar de velocidad/
speed limit= límite de velocidad/ taxi rank= parada de taxis/ traffic lights= semáforo/
traffic jam= atásco de tráfico, embotellamiento/ zebra crossing= paso de cebra
* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 24. 3A Race across London
2 Pronunciation
b) (ƒ) crash/ station/ rush - (dz) bridge/ journey/ traffic jam - (tƒ) adventure/ catch/ coach
d) (ƒ) se pronuncia en palabras con sh (show, dishwasher, selfish, cash)
ti + vocal ( ambitious, explanation)
ci + vocal (spacious, sociable)
y en las palabras (sugar, sure, machine, chef)
(dz) se pronuncia en palabras con j (jealous, just)
g (generous, manager)
dge (fridge, judge)
(tƒ) se pronuncia en palabras con ch (change, cheat)
tch (pitch, match)
t +ure (picture, future)
e) 1- jeep/ 2- chain/ 3- joke/ 4- chip/ 5- shoes/ 6- watch
g) 1- Do you like chips?/ 2- I'm going to wash it/3- you choose/ 4- Don't joke about it/ 5- Is it cheap?
3 Reading & Listening
a) 1- They have to go from Kew Bridge in the south-west of London to London City Airport.
the race is finished at the check-in desk at Airport
2- There are a bike, a car, a motorboat and public transport
3- I think the fastest is by a bike, because it can go through the traffic
4- I think the order will be: second a motorboat, third car and fourth public transport
b) No, the car gets a traffic jam, then the third will be the public transport and fourth the car
c) 1- James was asked to show a piece of paper/
2- Jeremy went much faster in the later part of his journey/3- Richard nearly did something illegal/
4- James went more slowly in the later part of his journey/
5- Richard was happy to see that there was a lot of traffic/ 6- James got slightly lost/
7- James had the most exciting journey
d) turned round= dar la vuelta/ was ahead of= estaba a la cabeza de, estaba por delante de/
reached= alcanzó/ crash into= chocar con, estrellarse con/
turned red= encenderse rojo, volverse rojo (un semáforo)/ get stuck= atascarse/
getting worse= empeorando, ir a peor
f) Please mind the gap between the train and the platform.
Next station is Monument. Change here for the Central line ante Docklands Light Railway
g) My partner thinks the order will be: bike, motorboat, car, public transport
They arrived: first bike, second motorboat, third public transport, and the last the car
Clarkson was annoyed because the program it's about car and the car came last
h) In my city there are the underground, bus, taxi, tram, funicular, bikes. transport bridge
I think they would arrive in: first the bike, the car, and the last public transport
race across= carrera a través de/ Oyster card= tarjeta de transporte público/
overground train= tren de superficie/ set off= parte, ponerse en camino/
was confusing= estaba confuso, mal señalizado/ realized= se dió cuenta/
turned round= darse la vuelta, volverse/ football ground= campo de fútbol/
was ahead of= estaba en cabeza, estaba por delante/ reached= alcanzó/
crash into= chocar con, estrellarse con/ turned red= volverse rojo/ delighted= encantado/
get stuck= atascarse, quedarse parado/ steady speed= velocidad constante/
permit= permiso/ valuable= valioso, importante/ getting worse= ir a peor, empeorando/
frustating= frustante/ got slightly lost= casi se perdio, se perdió un poco/ annoyed= enfadado/
has beaten= ser vencido, ser golpeado/ transporter bridge= puente colgante, puente transportador
* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 104. I'm a tourist - can you help me?
1- There are many kinds: the underground, taxi, bus, bicycle
2- The best way is by bus, there are buses from all the places in the city
3- Yes, there is a public hire in Bilbao. Yes, there are plenty cycles lanes in Bilbao
4- Yes, it's very easy, and the taxis aren't more expensives in Bilbao
5- The best way to get to the airport is to take a taxi.
It takes about twenty minutes from the town centre
- Grammar Book Pag. 25.26.27
Fotocopias stative verbs - Study
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