5 de diciembre 2017
* GRAMMAR BOOK. Pag. 134. Articles 1
+ Articulo indefinido a/an
Usamos a/an:
- Cuando el hablante no conoce a la persona o el objeto del que nosotros estamos hablando
Ej: Tom works in a factory (no sabemos en cual factoria)
Tom works in the factory down the road ( conocemos donde está la factoria)
- Para describir algo
Ej: It's a lovely day / Kazakhstan is an enormous country/ An ocelot is a wild animal similar to a leopard
- Para describir el trabajo o el caracter de una persona
Ej: Mary is an engineer / Peter is a fool!
- Si nos referimos a algo por primera vez. Futuras referencias al mismo objeto usaremos "the" porque el oyente ya conoce acerca de que estamos hablando
Ej: I´ve bought a new mobile phone. The phone connects to the Internet
- "a/ an" significa "uno", por eso no puede ser usado con uncountale nouns
Ej: I´ve got a brother and a sister (no dos)/ Can you give me some information? (no una información)
+ Zero Article (No artículo)
- Con palabras plurales y uncountable nouns para hablar en general
Ej: Dogs are not allowed in this shop / Milk is good for you
materiales, alimentos y bebidas, ideas abstractas, idiomas, actividades
- con la mayoria de paises, estados y ciudades. Paises que forman un grupo o el plural tiene un
artículo definido
Ej: Marie comes from France / We left the United Kingdom and crossed to the Netherlands
- Con areas geográficas, lagos, montañas e islas
Ej: We visited Lake Victoria, It's in East Africa / They climbed Mt. Everest in record time
- Con la mayoria de las calles
Ej: I bought this dress from a shop in Bond Street
Usamos "the" en la frase the High Street (la principal calle comercial en una ciudad)
- Con nombres de edificios que tienen el nombre del sitio antes
Ej: We visited Blenheim Palace and Coventry Cathedral
Usamos "the" cuando hay una frase con "of after" del nombre We visited the Houses of Parliament
- Con nombres pero usamos "the" con los títulos
Ej. Carol Parker is the Minister of Communications
- Cuando nos referimos a alimentos donde nos referimos a ellos en general
Ej: Dinner is at 7.30
Compara con estos ejemplos, donde nosotros no hablamos en términos generales
Ej: At the end of the conference there was a dinner (mencionado por primera vez)
The dinner they serve here is really fantastic (nosotros sabemos como es la cena)
- Con referencias historicas en general
Ej: Prehistoric Europe/ Ancient Rome is a fascinating period of history
- Con "by" para formas de transporte en general
Ej: We went by car
Compara con estos ejemplos donde no hablamos en general
We went there in a really old car (nombrado por primera vez)
We went there in the car my sister uses (nosotros conocemos en que coche)
Tambien decimos "on foot"
- Con ciertos edificios, donde la utilidad del edificio es mas importante que el lugar en si
Ej: Jim is in prison (la prisión no es lo importante)
My company is rebuilding the prison (un edificio en particular)
Palabras de este tipo son:
hospital, prison, bed, class, court, work, school, university, sea, home
- Exercises
1) 1- Have you ever visited the United Kingdom?/ 2- On our trip, we visited Canterbury Cathedral/
3- Love is a wonderful thing/ 4- Pets are not permitted in this hotel/
5- A Rabbit is a small wild furry animal with long ears/
6- New York is in the United States of the America
2) 1- -- love makes the world go round/ 2- Sheila has got a German car/
3- Rita works in an office in -- West Street/ 4- I've got a friend who is an electrician/
5- Paul goes to a special school for -- musicians/ 6- Jack is in -- hospital and can't go to -- school/
7- Valerie wants to go to -- university and study to be a doctor
3) 1- Mary is an English teacher/ 2- Charles works in a factory/ 3- Parking is not allowed here/
4- At the moment Fabio is at sea/ 5- We went to the station on foot
* GRAMMAR BOOK. Pag. 137. Articles 2
+ Artículo definido "the"
Usamos "the
- Cuando está claro que es la cosa o persona a la que nos referimos
Ej: The war between the two countries lasted for six months
- Cuando nos referimos a algo que hemos nombrado antes usando "a/an"
Ej: We saw a good film last night. It was the new film by Tim Burton
Podemos usar "the" para referirnos a algo por primera vez
si está claro que significa en el contexto
Ej: Where's the newspaper?
- Con frases que incluyen "of", dando más información acerca del sujeto
Ej: The film was about the love of a girl for her cat
- Cuando hay solamente una cosa y est'a claro a que nos referimos
Ej: How many astronauts have landed on the moon?
- Cuando hablamos de nacionalidades y otros grupos
Ej: I really admire the Italians / The old, the sick and the unemployed need our special care
- Otros usos de "the":
Instrumentos musicales, tiempo, superlativos, frases hechas, nombre de barcos, oceanos, rios
- Se pronuncia "de" antes de consonantes y "di" después de vocales
Ej: the begining (de biguinin) / the end (di end)
- Exercises
1) 1- Where's the electric heater?/ 2- What happened at the end of the film?/
3- David has an appointment at the optician's/ 4- An old person sometimes feels lonely/
5- Peter built the largest model plane in the world/
6- Luckily the fire brigade soon came and put out the fire/
7- Harry's mother bought him a guitar for his birthday present /
8- I´m thinking of buying a new pair trousers/
9- In the end there was a war between two countries/
10- I didn't know the answer to the question, so I left it out
2) 1- Frances plays the piano very well/ 2- The Government should help the poor/
3- Tracey's bike is the fastest/ 4- Tom has an appointment at the doctor's/
5- The film was about the life of an artist/
6- The only goal of the match was scored by the Italians/
3) 1- The President is the largest cruise ship in the world/
2- Everyone in the class agreed that the happiness was important/
3- There's a strange person at the door/ 4- Someone who saw the robbery called the police/
5- At the beginning of the film, a tall man sat in front of me/
6- When I arrived at the station. I ate a sandwich and waited for the train/
7- A person with a good education usually gets a good job/
8- Have you seen the new film at the Embassy cinema?
4) 1- The Italians eat a lot of spaghetti/
2- Most people thought that The Beatles were a very good group/
3- I usually drink a glass of -- milk in the morning/
4- What's the difference between a rabbit and a hare?/
5- The first person who crosses the finishing line is the winner/
6- -- Playing the guitar is an interesting -- hobby/
7- -- Rebecca got on the bus and bought a ticket/
8- There's a newspaper shop at the end of the street/
9- In the past, most of the population lived in the country/
10- I needed a new pair of trousers so my mother gave me the money/
11- The only book I read -- last month was a novel by a famous Italian author/
12- Sue was -- hospital with a broken leg and missed the exam
5) 1- Could you get a lot of bread from the baker's?/ 2- The milk is good for children/
3- John is at work at moment/ 4- We travelled to Hungary by car/
5- Have you got a brother or sister?/ 6- War between the two countries was the longest in history/
7- Who was the first astronaut who walked on the moon?/
8- The Nile is the longest river in the world/
9- First time I saw Kate I knew she was the girl for me!/
10- Jim is studying maths and he wants to be a teacher/
11- We went to the USA for holiday and had a good time/
12- When I'm at home in the evening I like to listen to the radio
- Fotocopia 23-11-17. Celebration St. Andrew's Day
1- not in England/ 2- a Scotch/ 3- Gaelic/ 4- Edinburgh/ 5- cricket/ 6- Macbeth/ 7- lake/ 8- son/
9- the anniversary of the birth of Scotland's most famous poet/ 10- kilts/ 11- Teacher's/
12- a type of dog/ 13- Ben Nevis/ 14- Treasure Island/ 15- bits of sheep wrapped in a sheep's stomach
Plural --- NUNCA con artículo / Singular -- A, An , The
a) 1- Men worry about their health than women/ 2- Women are better at multitasking than men/
3- Men are more interested than women in power
b) Las preposiciones normalmente solo se pronuncian fuerte cuando están al final de la frase
Ej: We need to talk about our holiday / What are you talking about?
Verbs followed by prepositions
*Verb + preposition
- Algunos verbos van seguidos de una determinada preposición
dream about (soñar acerca de) laugh at (reirse de) apologize for (pedir disculpas)
know about (saber acerca de) look at (mirar) apply for (solicitar para)
talk about (hablar acerca de) ask for (preguntar por)
argue about (discutir acerca de) look for (buscar, esperar por)
pay for (pagar por)
wait (esperar por)
believe in (creer en) accuse of (acusar de) depend on (depende de) belong to (pertenece a)
succeed in (tener exito en) remind of (recuerda a) relay on (retransmitir a) explain to (explicar a)
taste of (saber a) lend to (prestar a)
- También se puede decir: listen to (escuchar a) / talk to (decir a)
- En las frases interrogativas generalmente la preposición se coloca al final
Ej: What are you talking about? / Who are you looking for? / What are you listening to?
* Be + adjective + preposition
- Con los siguientes adjetivos angry, annoyed, pleased, sorry
Unas preposiciones se usan cuando nos referimos a personas y otra cuando se refieren a cosas
ABOUT angry + (cosas), annoyed + (cosas), excited + (cosas), happy + (cosas),
pleased +(cosas), right, sorry + (cosas), upset
Ej: Helen is excited about winning the prize / I'm sorry about your difficulties. Can I help?
AT bad, good
Ej: Dora is really good at maths
FOR famous, late, ready. sorry (+ personas)
Ej: Our city is famous for its beautiful buildings/I was sorry for George when he came last in the race
FROM different
Ej: This room is different from the other one
IN interested
Ej: Are you interested in computers?
OF afraid, fond, frightened, full, jealous, tired
EJ. My sleeping bag was full of ants!
ON keen
Ej: I'm not very keen on fried food
TO kind, married, used
Ej; Ellen is married to Jack
WITH angry, annoyed, bored, pleased + (personas)
Ej: I'm really angry with you
* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 156. Depend prepositions
a) 1- He apologized to the policemen for driving fast/ 2- We're arriving in Milan on Sunday/
3- We're arriving at Malpensa airport at 3.45/ 4- Who does this book belong to?/
5- I never argue with my husband about money/ 6- Could you ask the waiter for the bill/
7- Do you believe in ghost?/ 8- I can't choose between these two bags/
9- We might go out. It depends on the weather/ 10- I dreamt about my childhood last night/
11- Don't laugh at me! I'm doing my best!/ 12- I'm really looking forward to the party/
13- If I pay for the meal, can you get the drinks?/
14- This music reminds me of our honeymoon in Italy/ 15- I don't spend a lot of money on clothes
b) 1- My brother is afraid of bats/ 2- She's really angry with her boyfriend about last night/
3- I've never been good at sport/ 4- Eat your vegetables. They're good for you/
5- I'm very close with my elder sister/ 6- This exercise isn't very different from-to the last one/
7- We're really excited about going to Brazil/ 8- I'm fed up with listening to you complaining/
9- Krakow is famous for its main square/ 10- My sister is very interested in astrology/
11- I'm very fond of my little nephew. He's adorable/
12- She's very keen on cycling. She does about 50 kilometres every weekend/
13- I don't like people who aren't kind to animals/ 14- She used to be married to a pop star/
15- I'm really pleased with my new motorbike/ 16- My dad was very proud of learning to ski/
17- Why are you always rude to waiters and shop assistants?/
18- Rachel is worried about losing her job/ 19- I'm tired of walking. Let's stop and have a rest
hare= liebre/ furry= peludo/ appointment= cita/ poor=pobre/ scored= marcado, puntuado/
robbery= robo/ sheep= oveja/ wrapped= envuelto/ stomach=estómago/ faitful= fieles/
proud= orgulloso/ wisely= sabiamente/ childhood= infancia/ statements= enunciado/
apologize= pedir disculpas/ upset= contratiempo, reves, indisposición/ keen on= entusiasmado/
might= poder/ fed up= harto/ complain= qujarse, regañar/ fond= cariñoso, indulgente/
suceed= tener exito/ acouse= acusado/ rely= confiar/ belong to= pertenercer a
- Grammar Book: Pag. 139, 140, 176, 177, 178
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