jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2017


14 de diciembre 2017
- Grammar Book. Pag. 178. Exercises
1) 1- Fiona is very different from her sister/ 2- Please try and listen to my instructions/
    3- My hometown is famous for its peaches/ 4- Excuse me, but does this umbrella belong to you?/
    5- What exactly was Alan talking about?/ 6- I think we should ask for some information/
    7- Sara is very keen on growing her own vegetables

2) 1- I don't like him. I think he laughs at me behind my back/
    2- I'll be surprised if he succeeds in walking to the top of the mountain/
    3- Isabel sends her love and apologizes for not contacting you. She's been really busy/
    4- It's difficult to know when the bus will come. It depends on the time of day/
    5- She's very intelligent. She knows a lot about economics and things like that/
    6- This dictionary isn't mine. I think it belongs to John/
    7- This music reminds me of the time I spent in India

3) 1- I was right about the train times. It does leave at 16.30/
    2- I love science. but I'm not very good at mathematics/
    3- Istambul is famous for the beautiful Blue Mosque/
    4- Are you interested in American movies from the fifties?/
    5- I'm annoyed with Paul. He should have called me, but he hasn't/
    6- Helen is very kind to her dog, She walks it every day/
    7- I know it's ridiculous, but I'm quite frightened of spiders

4) 1- Dick was bored with his work/ 2- This town reminds me of Glasgow/
    3- Emma knows a lot about biology/ 5- I'm looking for the art gallery/
    6- Sue is married to Adrian/ 7- Dina is kind to animals/ 8- Ugh! This cake tastes of rubber/
    9- Lisa is jealous of you/ 10- I feel excited about our new house

5) 1- I'm angry with you/ 2- I'm ready for lunch/ 3- Richard is very good at geography/
    4- I felt upset with the bad news/ 5- I dreamed about my dog last night/ 6- You rely on Sue/
    7- I lent my bike to Jack for the weekend/ 8- I'm afraid of the dark

6) 1- We asked our teacher to explain a difficult problem to us/
    2- The ring I found belonged to an old lady in my block of flats/
    3- We may come to your party, but it depends on our finding a babysitter/
    4- When Joe flew to Australia, his aunt paid for his ticket/
    5- Harry apologized to his neighbours for his bad behaviour/
    6- You remind me of my brother. You're very alike!/
    7- Tony succeeded in passing his driving test at the first attempt/
    8- See you in a minute! I'll wait for you outside the cinema

7- 1- Ellen is not really interested in learning how to ski D/
    2- The hotel was different from what we expected F /
    3- Little Suzie was jealous of her new sister at first E/
    4- I was really annoyed about losing my new calculator B/
    5- Paul is very keen on collecting old bottles G/
    6- Janes is really good at making new friends A/
    7- I don't think I'm ready for another big meal C

suitable= adecuado/ upset= acongojado/ reliable= de confianza/ very alike= muy parecido/
rubber= caucho, caustico/ annoyed= enfadado, irritado/ frightened= asustado/

- Grammar book. Pag. 140. Exercises
6) 1- Helen was the last person I expected to see/ 2- Do you have a dog at home?/
    3- Nick is a chemistry's teacher/ 4- The present that they gave me was wonderful/
    5- Canberra is the capital of Australia/ 6- Tomorrow the first lesson is French/
    7- There's someone on the phone for you/ 8- The film that we saw last night was very entertaining

7- 1- For me -- football is my life / The football in the second division is a much lower standard/
    2- They say that -- love makes the world go round/ They say that the love of a mother for her child
         is the strongest kind/
    3- The information in this article will be very useful for my project/ -- information about the
        Government's defence plans is hard to find/
   4- -The student's in my new class all seem very friendly/ --Students should be in their classes by
   5- I need -- help!/ Thank very much for the help you gave me yesterday/
   6- The computers in the January sale are not too expensive/ These days everybody needs to know
       how to use -- computers/
   7- The English are famous for their strange sense of humour/ -- English programmes are quite easy
       to find on satellite TV/
   8- Many of my friends are studying -- business at university/ My father is involved in the business
       of buying and selling houses

* Fotocopia 23/11/17. Celebrations St. Andrew's Day
1) 1-b not in England/ 2- c a Scot/ 3- b English/  4- b Edinburgh/ 5- c golf/ 6- a Macbeth/ 7- b lake/
    8- b son/ 9- b the anniversary of the birth of Scotland's most famous poet/ 10- a kilts/
   11- c Jimmie Walker/ 12- a a type of dog/ 13- c Ben Nevis/ 14- c Kidnapped/
   15- a bits of sheep wrapped in a sheep's stomach

* Extraphotocopies. Pag. 21,22
a) 1- Did you remember to lock the kitchen door before we left?/
    2- I shouldn't drink -- coffee. It keeps me awake at night/
    3- Can you turn on the air conditioning? It's boiling in here!/
    4- Jane is allergic to -- cats. She starts sneezing when one comes near her/
    5- Terry and Charlotte are going away next -- weekend/
    6- Are these the keys you were looking for?/
    7- I wasn't feeling very well yesterday so I didn't go to -- work/
    8- The river which runs through Paris is called the Seine/
    9- I seeing Kate tomorrow. We haven't seen each other since -- last year/
   10- It looks as if it's going to rain. Take an umbrella/
   11- Hurry up! You're going to be late for -- school/
   12- I have a friend who is an electrician. Do you want his phone number?/
   13- It's cheaper to buy -- books online than in a shop/
   14- I don't like -- people who talk about -- football all the time/
   15- Luckily the people who work in my office don't talk about -- sport at all/
   16- My sister works in a restaurant. She gets home from -- work late every evening/
   17- What're your favourite meals of the day? -- Breakfast or -- dinner?/
   18- That's an easy question. I think I know the answer/
   19- Audrey has two children, a boy and a girl. The boy's ten and the girl's two years younger/
   20- -- good health is more important than -- money

a) and have always wanted to be able to play tennis/ a teacher who was able to give me lessons/
    I'd never be able to play this game/ I couldn't - wasn't able to move fast enough/
    I hated not being able to hit the ball/ I'll never be able to play tennis

   old grandfather couldn't - wasn't able to even turn on a computer/ 
   he wanted to be able to use the internet/
   he couldn't- wasn't  able to put what he learnt in his classes/ 
   he's able to - can use the internet/ he loves most is being able to speak/ 
   he wouldn't be able to keep in touch with them

b) 1- you'll be able to design your own website/
    2- she wasn't be able to remember how to get to my house/
    3- Simon isn't going to can finish the report by the end of the day/
    4- Now he is be able to drive his father's car/
    5- I haven't be able to speak to Harry for over three weeks/
    6- I couldn't get to the meeting on time/ 7- Miriam hates not been able to play chess/
    8- you can't hear the other person very well/
    9- I was be able to do what you like is the best thing about a holiday/
   10- I'm afraid I won't be able to go away this weekend/
   11- You should be able to do this exercise without any help/ 12- We can't park here

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 35. 3 Speaking
b) I'd never been able to do climbing because I'm frightened of heights
    I wasn't able to learn Photoshop, it's very difficult for me
    I'll be able to cook because I always like eating good meals

4 Vocabulary
a) 1- The film was boring / 2- The audience were bored

- ed and -ing adjetivos
Muchos adjetivos para describir sentimientos o sensaciones tienen dos formas:
  - terminado en - ed / - terminado en -ing. Ej: frustated / frustating
Usamos un adjetivo termnado en -ed para las personas que sufren dicho sentimiento o sensación
                                                       Ej: I was very frustrated that I couldn't scuba-dive
                                                  - ing para la persona o situación la cual provoca dicho sentimiento
                                                       Ej: I couldn't join in the conversation, which was very frustrating

b) 1- What do you think is the most exciting sport to watch?/
    2- What's the most amazing scenery you've ever seen?/
    3- What music do you listen to if you feel depressed?/
    4- Have you ever been disappointed by a birthday present?/
    5- Which do you find more tiring speaking English or listening English?/
    6- What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?/
    7- Are you frightened of heights?/ 8- Do you feel very tired in the morning?/
    9- What's the most boring person you know?/ 10- Do you ever get frustrating by technology?

c) exciting/ amazing/ depressed/ dissapointed/ tiring/ embarrasing/frightened/ tired/ boring/

bored= aburrido/ boring= aburrimiento/ exciting= divertido/ scenery= paisaje/ heights= alturas/ weight= peso/ width= ancho/ overcome= superar/  sneezing= estornudar

5 Readin & Speaking
a) No, I don't know anybody who speaks more than two languages

b) 6 English/ 9 Spanish/ 1 Afrikaans/ 8 Catalan/ 7 Greek/ 5 Russian/ 3 French/ 11 Italian/ 2 German/
    10 Dutch/ 4 Hebrew/

c) 1- When he was a child he learnt English, Greek and French
    2- He's studying at university German and Russian
    3- His favourite language is Greek because he thinks it's the language of his mother
    4- He's planning to learn Arabic
    5- He wished been able to speak Japanese when he was a child
    6- He taught himself  Dutch when he visited Holland
    7- Russian is the hardest that he learnt because there seem to be more exceptions than rules

d) multilingual= plurilingüe/ fluenty= con fluided/ skills= habilidades/
    language barrier= barrera lingüistica/more exceptions than rules= mas excepciones que normas/
    link= union, relación/ basic phrases= frases básicas/ amount= cantidad/ final= exámenes finales
    tactless and rude= sin tacto y grosero/ travel abroad= viajar al extranjero/
    1- No, I cannot speak another language fluently/
    2- Yes, I know basic phrases in English and Euskera/
    3- No, I don't have a personal link to another country/
    4- Yes, a few years ago I went to France and I don't understand anything French and I wasn't able
         to speak anything to the French people/
    5- I would be able to speak French because that country I like it very much

e) 1- I always test myself on new vocabulary/ 2- My uncle built the house himself/
    3- It turns itself on and off/ 4- Did you fix the computer yourself? /
    5- Every time she passes a mirror, she looks at herself in it!

- Usamos los pronombres reflexivos cuando el objeto del verbo es el mismo que el sujeto.
  Ej: He taught himself Russian = he was his own teacher

- Usamos los pronombres reflexivos para enfatizar la acción del sujeto
  Ej: We painted the kitchen ourselves (Pintamos la casa nosotros mismos)

- Pronombres reflexivos:
   I      - myself        
   You - yourself            We    -  ourselves
   He  -  himself             You   -  yourselves
   She -  herself              They -  themselves
   It    -  itself

suitable= adecuado/ upset= acongojado/ reliable= de confianza/ very alike= muy parecido/
rubber= caucho, caustico/ annoyed= enfadado, irritado/ frightened= asustado/
bored= aburrido/ boring= aburrimiento/ exciting= divertido/ scenery= paisaje/
heights= alturas/ weight= peso/ width= ancho/ overcome= superar/  sneezing= estornudar/
multilingual= plurilingüe/ fluenty= con fluided/ skills= habilidades/
language barrier= barrera lingüistica/more exceptions than rules= mas excepciones que normas/
link= union, relación/ basic phrases= frases básicas/ amount= cantidad/ final= exámenes finales
tactless and rude= sin tacto y grosero/ travel abroad= viajar al extranjero/ so vain= vanidosa

- Workbook: Pag. 26

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