15 de marzo de 2018
- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 62. Vocabulary
b) 1- Arsenal beat Chelsea 2-0/ 2- Can you book a tennis court on Friday?/
3- Sports players are usually very careful not to get injured before important events/
4- Real Madrid scored a goal just before half-time/
5- I go swimming every morning during the week
c) 1- Luke is a very close friend/ 2- My wife and I have a lot in common/
3- Gina and I lost touch after we both changed jobs/
4- We met in your first class at university, and we got to know each other very quickly/
5- Linda is getting married next month. Her fiancé is Italian
d) 1- Soundtrack the music of a film/ 2- Subtitles the translation of the dialogue of a film/
3- animations images often created by computer/ 4- Star the most important actor in a film/
5- Scene one part of a film which happens in one place
e) 1- I love working out at the gym/ 2- The player was sent off for insulting the referee/
3- My sister and her boyfriend have split up/
5- Jane and Nora used to be great friends, they fell out because of a boy they both liked/
6- Is there anything good on Tv tonight?
+ Pronunciation
a) 1- couple/ 2- taste/ 3- eyes/ 4- ears/ 5- war
b) 1- re│fe│ree/ 2- re│wiev/ 3- spec│ta│tors/ 4- di│rec│tor/ 5- co│lleague
+ Can you understand this text?
a) Yes, I know of some similar theatrical superstitions/ They don't wear yellow color
b) 1- b wish each other bad luck/ 2- a it used to cause problems for the scene changers/
3- c get to the end of a play when nobody is watching
c) whistling= silbando/ prevent= evitar, impedir/ crews= personal, equipo/ hired= contratados/
rehearsals= ensayos/ dress rehearsals= ensayos generales, prueba de vestuario
+ Can you understand these people?
1- b Maria started watching Formula 1 because of her father/
2- a Adrian thought the person looked less attractive in real life/
3- c Ryder looking at another student's exam/ 4- b Helen some of the actors in it are attractive/
5- c Liz unusual
* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 64. 7A
+ 1 Vocabulary
a) 1- Henry VIII had six wives/ 2- The capital of Brazil is Brasilia/
3- David Copperfield was written by Charles Dickens/ 4- In one gigabyte there are 1024 bytes/
5- The theory of relativity was written by Albert Einstein/
6- It is twenty-two and a half or twenty-two point five/ 7- An insect has six legs/
8- The water is made of hydrogen and oxygen
b) 7- biology/ 8- chemisty/ 2- geographic/ 1- history/ 4- information technology/ 3- literature/
6- maths/ 5- physics
* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 161. Education
a) 1- primary/ 2- nursery/ 3- secondary/ 4- state/ 5- private/ 6- boarding/ 7- religion/ 8- pupils/
9- head/ 10- terms
b) 1- elementary school/ 2- high/ 3- grades/ 4- kindergarten/ 5- twelfth grade/ 6- semesters/
7- college
+ 2 Verbs
a) 1- if children behave badly/ if they cheat in an exam/ they will probably be punished/
a might even be expelled
2- Marc has to take an important English exam/ He hopes he'll pass/
he hasn't had much time to revise/ he's worried that he might fail
+ Educate= enseñar a alguien en la escuela o en la universidad (educar)
+ bring up= cuidar a un niño y enseñarle como comportarse (criar)
+ learn= obtener conocimiento o habilidad para algo (aprender)
+ study= pasar el tiempo para aprender algo (estudiar)
* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 64. 2 Pronunciation & Speaking
a) U: true/ rude/ rules
ʌ: luch/ result/ study/ subject/ nun
ʊ: full/ put
ju: music/ student/ university/ education/ pupil
b) We say a university because the vowel u, with the sound ju: is considered a semi-vowel
an umbrella because the vowel u, with sound ʌ is considered a vowel
c) 1- What subject did you study at university?/ 2- Do pupils at your school wear a uniform?/
3- Most students have lunch in the canteen/ 4- I usually get good results in my music exams
d) I went to public school/ Yes, it was a good school/
In my class, there were about 35 pupils in each class/
Yes, I think 35 pupils per class are too pupils in only one class/
Yes we had to do too many homework / Yes, I used to do it/ No, I didn't wear a uniform/
Yes my teachers were too strict, my school was a religious school/
Yes, they used to punish me, I must write a sentence 100 times/
Yes the pupils used to behave good/
I was good at maths and geography and I was very bad at literature and physics/
My best subject was maths and the worst subject was physics
+ La letra u es generalmente pronunciada ju: ó ʌ y algunas veces U: ó ʊ
+ Pronunciación: colleage /'kɒli:g/ --- college /:kɒl:idʒ / --- pupil /ˈpjuː.pəl/ --- people /ˈpiː.pəl/
nun= monja/ compulsory= obligatorio/ public school= escuela privada/
private school= escuela privada/ state school= escuela pública/ school year= año escolar/
course= cursillo/ canteen= cantina, comedor/ developed= desarrolló/ made of= hecho de/
nursery= guarderia/ boarding= internado/ priests= curas, sacerdotes/ head teacher= director, tutor/
pupil= estudiante no univestario/ student= estudiante universitario/ terms= trimestres, periodos/ graduate= estudiante con grado/ grades= cursos/ kindergarten= guarderia (ame.)/
twelfth grade= doceavo curso/ college= univesidad (Ame.)/ be expelled= ser expulsado/
behave= comportarse/ pass= aprobar, pasar/cheat= engañar, trampear/ be punished= ser castigado/
fail= fallar, fracasar, suspenso/ revise= repasar, corregir/ take= hacer, sacar/
educate= enseñar a alguien en la escuela o en la universidad/
bring up= criar, cuidar y enseñar comportamiento a un niño/ learn= aprender/ study= estudiar
- The book. The secret agent. Chapter 10
- Workbook. Pag 43
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