jueves, 22 de marzo de 2018

First conditional and future time clauses +when, until , etc

22 de Marzo de 2018
- The Secret Agent. Chapter 10
Reading check
a) Winnie leaves the shop and walks out into the night T/
b) She meets Tom Ossipon and asks him to help her T/
c) Ossipons tells her that he has never like her F/
d) At first, Ossipon thinks that Verloc died in the Greenwich bombing T/
e) Winnie thinks Ossipon already knows that she killed Verloc F/
f) Winnie talks about escaping to her mother's house F/
g) She asks Ossipon to go back to the shop to get all her money F/
h) Ossipon sees Verloc's dead body when he goes in to switch off the lights T/
i) Winnie give all her money to Ossipon to buy the tickets to France T/
j) Ossipon thinks that Winnie is a born criminal like her husband F/
k) Ossipon meets the Professor and they talk about the Professor's visit to Karl Yundt' house F/
l) The Professor laughingly asks if one of Ossipon's women has ever killed herself for him T

Word work
a) My husband was a devil/ b) she had left the door ajar/ c) I took hold of the door handle/
d) don't let them hang me/ e) we got into the same train compartment/
f) her heart was full of black despair/ g) I'm burning in hell already/ h) he has no master in the world

calmness had left her= la calma la habia dejado/ was filled= fue llenado/ felt= sintió/
hanging by the neck= colgando por el cuello/ throw herself off a bridge= arrojarse desde el puente/
was a square blood-red light= era una luz cuadrada de rojo sangre/  stuttered= tartamudeó/
falling forwards again= cayendo hacia delante de nuevo/ explained everything= explicó todo/
stood in the foggy=parado en la niebla/ darkness and loneliness= oscuridad y soledad/
how did you first hear about it?= Como te enteraste la primera vez/ chest= pecho/
on that man's side= del lado de ese hombre/ pull him back= tirar de él hacia atrás/
the shop door's ajar= la  puesta de la tienda etá entreabierta/ door handle= manija de la puerta/ rested= descansando/ don't let them hang me= no dejes que me cuelguen/ murderer= asesino/
straight back towards the train= directamente hacia el tren/ compartment= compatimiento/
a perfect type in a way= un tipo perfecto en cierto modo/ uncomfortably= incómodo/
you took a lot of notice of him= tu le prestaste mucha atención/ spoil things= estropear las cosas/ dying mother= madre moribunda/ stood looking= estaba mirando/  late sun= sol tardío/
shadowy houses= casas sombrias/ weak= débil/ what is left= lo que queda/ madness= locura/
as everyone else= como todos los demás/ fought= luchado/ despair= desesperación/
stoop up= se levantó/ useless= inútil/

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 144. 7A First conditional and future time clauses +when, until , etc
+ First conditional sentences: if + present simple, will/ won't + infinitive
- Usamos las frases del primer condicional cuando hablamos acerca de una posible situación futura y su consecuencia.
1- Usamos el tiempo presente (NO el futuro) después de IF en frases con el primer condicional
    Ej: If you work hard you, you'll pass your exams. If you'll work hard you, you'll pass your exams

2- Usamos el imperativo en lugar de WILL
    Ej: Come and see us next week if you have time. You will come and see us next week ...

3- Usamos UNLESS (a menos que, a no ser que) en lugar de IF en frases condicionales
    Ej: She won't get into university unless she gets good grades/ if she doesn't get good grades

+ Oraciones de futuro
- Usamos el tiempo presente (NO futuro) después de when, as soon as, until, before, after
   para hablar acerca del futuro.
   Ej: As soon as you get your exam results, call me.
         I'll have a quick lunch before I leave/ I won't go to bed until you come home

a) 1- That girl will get into trouble if she doesn't wear the uniform/
    2- If you give in your homework late, the teacher won't mark it/
    3- Don't write anything unless you are sure of the answer/
    4- Gary will be expelled if his behaviour doesn't improve/
    5- They' ll be late for school unless they hurry/ 6- Ask me if you don't know what to do /
    7- Johnny will be punished if he shouts at the teacher again/
    8- My sister will finish university this year if she passes all her exams/
    9- I won't go out tonight unless I finish my homework quickly/
   10- Call me if you need some help with your project

b) 1- Don't turn over the exam until the teacher tells you to/
    2- Please check the water's not too hot before the kids get in the bath/
    3- Your parents will be really happy when they hear your good news/
    4- I'll look for a job in September after I come back from holiday/
    5- The schools will close unless it stops snowing soon/
    6- The job is very urgent, so please do it as soon as you can/
    7- We'll stand in the library until closes. Then we'll go home/
    8- Harry will probably learn to drive when he's 18/
    9- You won't be able to speak to the head teacher unless you make an appointment/
   10- Give mummy a kiss before she goes to work

a) 1- I did an exam last year, yes I passed it/
    2- I am going to do next exam on 29th May. I feel worried because the exams are always hard/
    3- I usually feel nervous before I do an exam/
    4- I usually before an exam study and repass the subjects/
    5- Yes, when I was student younger once a time I thought that I passed a maths' exam and
         then I failed it
b) Olivia 1- She's sure, but she is worried about her grade/ 2- She gets the results tomorrow by post/
               3- She doesn't want to plan any celebrations until she gets the results/
               4- She wants to study at Cambridge University/
               5- She will do another year  at school and take the exams again

     Tomasz 1- He is optimistic, he thinks he has passed/ 2- In two weeks time, they send it by post/
                  3-  He will go for dinner with his girlfriend/
                  4- He wants to work as an air traffic controller/
                  5- He'll carry on studying and he will take the exam again as soon as he can

c) 1- They won't give me a place unless I get at least three As/
    2- When the post comes I'll take the letter upstairs and open it/
    3- I don't want to plan any celebrations until I get the results/
    4- If I don't get into Cambridge my parents will kill me/ 5- I'll take the exam again as soon as I can

d) Olivia-  She got an A in chemistry and biology and only a B in physics and a C in Maths.
                  Not nearly good enough, she'll probably retake her A levels again next year
   Tomasz - He got a seven, and his girlfriend booked a restaurant they are going to his
                  favourite place

f) - when as soon as I get home I'll my homework/
   - If I don't pass my English exam I'll retake the exam in September/
   - When this course finishes I'll go to relax/ If it rains at the weekend I'll go to the cinema

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 106. 7A
- Unless we hurry, we'll miss the bus/ - I'll leave home when I find a good job/
- I won't get married until I have a good job/ I'll give you the money as soon as I have it/
- If I see him I will give his money to him/
- When I can speak English fluently I'll want to go to England/
- He'll lose his job if he doesn't work correctly/ - As soon as he gets here I'll take the bus/
- You'll never be rich unless I won the lottery

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 66.  6 Reading & Speaking
a) I think that a "tiger mother" is a type of dictator mother and very strict with her own children

b) A-8 They are a mystery to me / B- 5 Later Sophia was even allowed to go to a rap concert/
    D-6 Chua spent much of her daughters' childhood shouting at them and criticizing every mistake
    they made/ E- 2 Born in the United States to Chinese immigrant parents/
    F- 7 In fact, she is glad her mother made her learn/
    G- 3 to be at least two years ahead of their classmates in maths/
    H- 4 There's no musical talent in my family, she says it's just hard work

c) prodigies= prodigios, gente con mucha habilidad/ controversy= controversia/
   determined= empeñada, resuelta para hacer algo/ forbidden= prohibido/
   outstanding= excepcional, sobresaliente/ excelled= sobrasalir, destacar/
   rebelled= rebelarse, sublevarse/ took up= realizar algo , hacer algo, tomar clases de ../
   resent= resentirse, ofenderse

d) I agree with the third article because I think is better be accompanied by love and respect for
    the child

e) 1- I think that her system is very strict/
    2- They were a bit strict but Amy Chua is too strict with her daughters/
    3- They didn't let watch Tv until I didn't pass my exams

- Después de MAKE y LET se utiliza el infinitivo SIN TO. 
    Ej: My parents made me work very hard  /   They didn't let me go out during the week

- Calificaciones Exámenes
   Marks = Puntuaciones generalmente en base a 10 ó 100
   Grades= Puntuaciones con letras A, B, C, etc
   A level= Puntuaciones que se dan con en referencia a Grades. A level, B level, etc
   IELTSSistema internacional de prueba del idoma inglés
turn over= darle la vuelta a algo, girar sobre si mismo/ retake= repetir, volver hacer algo/ 
a level marks= notas de bachiller y selectividad/ bring up= criar, educar en casa/ hug= abrazo/ wonder= se pregunta/ amoung= entre (dos personas)/ to be working= funcinaba/  
excelled= excelente, sobresalir/ pushing hard= exigir mucho/ arguments= discusiones/ determined= empeñada, decidida/ outstanding= sobresaliente/ encouring= animar, alentar/ 
gave up= dejó, renunció, abandonó/ shocked= impactados/ resent= rencor/ wheter= if= si/
childhood= infancia/ took up= apuntar/ let= permitir/ made= obligar/ chicks= pollitos/
it works= funciona/ yeast= levadura

Scotland - Richard Mac Andrew. Cambridge University Press

- Workbook: Pag. 44, 45
- Extraphotocopies= Pag. 54, 56, 59, 60


martes, 20 de marzo de 2018


20 de marzo de 2018.
- Grammar Book. Pag. 43. 7A Extraordinary school for boys
1 Vocabulary education
a) 1- A school for children aged from about two to fice is a nursery school/
    2- A school for children aged from five to 11 is a primary school/
    3- A school for children aged from 11 to 18 is a secondary school/
    4- The person in charge of a school is the head teacher/
    5- A school paid for by the government is state school/
    6- A school that parents pay for is a private school/
    7- A person who has a degree from a university is a graduate

    8- A school for children aged from about two to six is a kindergarten/
    9- A school for children aged from six to nine is an elementary school/
  10- A school for children aged from nine to 13 is a middle school/
  11- A school for children aged from 13 to 18 is a high school/
  12- The class children are in is called a grade/ 13- The school year is divided into two semesters/
  14- The final year of school is twelfth grade

b) 1- My friend was ill so she didn't take the exam/
    2- Some of the girls in that class behave very badly/
    3- If you cheat in the exam, the teacher won't mark it/
    4- A boy was expelled for stealing money from other pupils/
    5- You'll fail your exams if you don't work harder/
    6- I've got my driving test tomorrow. I hope I pass it!/
    7- I've got exams next week, so I'm going to revise this weekend/
    8- The pupils were punished by the teacher for being noisy in class

2 Pronunciation
U: lunch / ʌ : pull  / ʊ: cut/ ju: subtittles

3 Grammar
a) 1- C Will's parents will be furious if he fails his exam again/
    2- E As soon as I get my driving license, I 'm going to buy a car/
    3- B I'm sure we'll feel more relaxed after we go on holiday/
    4- You'll have to go to a new school when your family moves house/
    5- A He won't pass his exams unless he revises more/
    6- H Nina won't look for a job until her daughter starts school/
    7- D I'll buy the book before the classes start/ 8 - If I don't feel well, I'll stay in bed

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 65. 3 Listening
a) A teacher is teaching to sing to children group/
    No, I think that girls and boys are reading the same way

b) 1- He had only eight weeks/ 2- His aim was to improve the boys' reading age by six months/ 
    3- Make the work feel like a play - Competition -  Take risks, all kind of risks

c) 1- The boys spent a lot of time outside and they did physical education every day before 
         normal lessons began / 
    2- Gared tried to involve the boys' parents as much as possible in their education

    1- A school debating competition/ 2- A reading "World Cup"/ 
    3- A play, which the boys (and girls) had to both write and perform

d) The boys lost, but they wanted to do it again, this really motivated the boys. It was a great success.

e) Yes, they improve the equivalent of two years in just eight weeks

f) His ideas were good to teach the boys to improve their reading. 
    Yes, I think that method is good for girls too. 
    Yes, in my country was a contest on tv where different school competed with questions and
    answer between them.

choirmaster= director de coro/ different people= grupo de gente variada/ took on= se hizo cargo/ 
accomplished= experto, hábil/ challenge= reto, desafío/  thriller= entusiasmado
a long way behind= , muy detrás de, un largo camino atrás/ aim= objetivo

- Book. The secret agent. Project Pag.72-73

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2018


15 de marzo de 2018
- STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 62. Vocabulary
b) 1- Arsenal beat Chelsea 2-0/ 2- Can you book a tennis court on Friday?/
    3- Sports players are usually very careful not to get injured before important events/
    4- Real Madrid scored a goal just before half-time/
    5- I go swimming every morning during the week

c) 1- Luke is a very close friend/ 2- My wife and I have a lot in common/
    3- Gina and I lost touch after we both changed jobs/
    4- We met in your first class at university, and we got to know each other very quickly/
    5- Linda is getting married next month. Her fiancé is Italian

d) 1- Soundtrack the music of a film/ 2- Subtitles the translation of the dialogue of a film/
    3- animations images often created by computer/ 4- Star the most important actor in a film/
    5- Scene one part of a film which happens in one place

e) 1- I love working out at the gym/ 2- The player was sent off for insulting the referee/
    3- My sister and her boyfriend have split up/
    5- Jane and Nora used to be great friends, they fell out because of a boy they both liked/
    6- Is there anything good on Tv tonight?

+ Pronunciation
a) 1- couple/ 2- taste/ 3- eyes/ 4- ears/ 5- war

b) 1- re│fe│ree/ 2- re│wiev/ 3- spec│ta│tors/ 4- di│rec│tor/ 5- co│lleague

+ Can you understand this text?
a) Yes,  I know of some similar theatrical superstitions/ They don't wear yellow color

b) 1- b wish each other bad luck/ 2- a it used to cause problems for the scene changers/
    3- c get to the end of a play when nobody is watching

c) whistling= silbando/ prevent= evitar, impedir/ crews= personal, equipo/ hired= contratados/
    rehearsals= ensayos/ dress rehearsals= ensayos generales, prueba de vestuario

+ Can you understand these people?
1- b Maria started watching Formula 1 because of her father/
2- a Adrian thought the person looked less attractive in real life/
3- c Ryder looking at another student's exam/ 4- b Helen some of the actors in it are attractive/
5- c Liz unusual

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 64. 7A
+ 1 Vocabulary
a) 1- Henry VIII had six wives/ 2- The capital of Brazil is Brasilia/
    3- David Copperfield was written by Charles Dickens/ 4- In one gigabyte there are 1024 bytes/
    5- The theory of relativity was written by Albert Einstein/
    6- It is twenty-two and a half or twenty-two point five/ 7- An insect has six legs/
    8- The water is made of hydrogen and oxygen

b) 7- biology/ 8- chemisty/ 2- geographic/ 1- history/ 4- information technology/ 3- literature/
    6- maths/ 5- physics

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 161. Education
a) 1- primary/ 2- nursery/ 3- secondary/ 4- state/ 5- private/ 6- boarding/ 7- religion/ 8- pupils/
    9- head/ 10- terms

b) 1- elementary school/ 2- high/ 3- grades/ 4- kindergarten/ 5- twelfth grade/ 6- semesters/
    7- college

+ 2 Verbs
a) 1- if children behave badly/ if they cheat in an exam/ they will probably be punished/
        a might even be expelled
    2- Marc has to take an important English exam/ He hopes he'll pass/
        he hasn't had much time to revise/ he's worried that he might fail

+ Educate= enseñar a alguien en la escuela o en la universidad (educar)
+ bring up=  cuidar a un niño y enseñarle como comportarse (criar)
+ learn= obtener conocimiento o habilidad para algo (aprender)
+ study= pasar el tiempo para aprender algo (estudiar)

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 64. 2 Pronunciation & Speaking
a) U: true/ rude/ rules
    ʌ: luch/ result/ study/ subject/ nun
   ʊ: full/ put
  ju: music/ student/ university/ education/ pupil

b) We say a university because the vowel u, with the sound ju: is considered a semi-vowel
                 an umbrella because the vowel u, with sound  ʌ is considered a vowel

c) 1- What subject did you study at university?/ 2- Do pupils at your school wear a uniform?/
    3- Most students have lunch in the canteen/ 4- I usually get good results in my music exams

d) I went to public school/ Yes, it was a good school/
    In my class, there were about 35 pupils in each class/
    Yes, I think 35 pupils per class are too pupils in only one class/
    Yes we had to do too many homework / Yes, I used to do it/ No, I didn't wear a uniform/
    Yes my teachers were too strict, my school was a religious school/
    Yes, they used to punish me, I must write a sentence 100 times/
    Yes the pupils used to behave good/
    I was good at maths and geography and I was very bad at literature and physics/
    My best subject was maths and the worst subject was physics

+ La letra u es generalmente pronunciada ju: ó ʌ  y algunas veces  U: ó  ʊ

+ Pronunciación: colleage /'kɒli:g/  ---   college /:kɒl:idʒ / --- pupil /ˈpjuː.pəl/ --- people /ˈpiː.pəl/

nun= monja/ compulsory= obligatorio/ public school= escuela privada/
private school= escuela privada/ state school= escuela pública/ school year= año escolar/
course= cursillo/ canteen= cantina, comedor/ developed= desarrolló/ made of= hecho de/ 
nursery= guarderia/ boarding= internado/ priests= curas, sacerdotes/ head teacher= director, tutor/
pupil= estudiante  no univestario/ student= estudiante universitario/ terms= trimestres, periodos/ graduate= estudiante con grado/ grades= cursos/ kindergarten= guarderia (ame.)/
twelfth grade= doceavo curso/ college= univesidad (Ame.)/ be expelled= ser expulsado/
behave= comportarse/ pass= aprobar, pasar/cheat= engañar, trampear/ be punished= ser castigado/
fail= fallar, fracasar, suspenso/ revise= repasar, corregir/ take= hacer, sacar/
educate=  enseñar a alguien en la escuela o en la universidad/
bring up= criar, cuidar y enseñar comportamiento a un niño/ learn= aprender/ study= estudiar

- The book. The secret agent. Chapter 10
- Workbook. Pag 43


martes, 13 de marzo de 2018


-- Book. The secret agent. Chapter 8.
+ Exercises
Reading check
1) a - 5 Verloc was quick to tell me everything/ b- 6 I will tell you what to do about Verloc tomorrow/
    c- 1 Annie told me that you were working/ d- 4 I'm glad to tell you that Michaelis is out of trouble/
    e- 2 We've got a man called Verloc helping us/ f- 3 Nobody will believe what a man like that says

2) a - True/ b- False/ c- True/ d- True/ e- False

Word work
a- greets/ b- complain/ c- lamps/ d- importance/ e- furious/ f- terrified

Guess What
Verloc - a, e  /  Winnie - b, d

poorly-lit room= habitación mal iluminada/ greenish-coloured lamps= lámpars de color verdoso/
heavy head resting on= pesada cabeza descansando sobre/ looked dark= parecia oscuro/
man's early arrival= el hombre que habia llegado pronto/ found out= descubierto/ shook= tembó/
terrified= aterrorizado/ among= entre/ got up heavily= se levantó pesadamente/
discuss= debatir, estudiar/ there was time after all to= hubo un tiempo despúes para/
greeted= presentó, saludó/ true importance= verdadera importancia/ complain= reclamar, quejarse/
this one less than most= menos que la mayoria/ to get rid of all= deshacerse de todos/
a lying dog of some kind= un perro acostado de alguna manera/ get rid of= deshacerse de/
running after fake ones= corriendo detras de los falsos/ detail= referencia, detalle/

- Book. The secret agent. Chapter 9
+ Exercises
Reading check
a) Verloc is angry with the Inspector Heat/ b) Winnie sits in the shop shaking/
c) Verloc and Winnie have been married for seven years/
d) Vladimir made Verloc do dangerous things/ e) Verloc calls Vladimir a "pig"/
f) Verloc and Stevie seemed like father and son to Winnie/ g) Winnie puts on a hat and coat/
h) Verloc thinks that Winnie wants to go her mother's house/
i) Stevie fell over a tree root and died in the Greenwich bombing/
j) Winnie wants to be free/ k) Verloc asks Winnie to go to him/
l) Winnie kills Verloc with the carving knife

Word work
cage= jaula/ disappointed= decepcionado/ drops= gotas/ dummy= maniquí, muñeco/
spoils= estropearse, malograr/ ticking= tic-tac (reloj)/ veil= velo

a) Verloc walks round the kitchen like an animal in a cage/
b) Winnie get ready to go out and puts on a hat with veil/
c) Verloc tells Winnie to take off her hat because he feels that he's talking to a shop dummy/
d) The label in Stevie's coat spoils Verloc's plans to plant a bomb without anyone finding out/
e) Verloc is disappointed with Winnie because she doesn't understand why he couldn't tell the police about Vladimir/
f) After Verloc dies, dark drops of blood fall on the floor/
g) The blood falling makes a sound like a ticking clock

Guess what
a) Comrade Ossipon comes to the shop/ e) Winnie kills herself/ f) Ossipon becomes rich but unhappy

suddenly= bruscamente, inesperadamente/ lay= puesta, colocada/ lazily= perezosamente/flat= plana/
wrist= muñeca (parte del cuerpo)/ thoughtful=pensativo/ success=triunfo, éxito/ sighed=suspiró/
resting= descansado/ cage= jaula/ disappointed= decepcionado/ comrades= camaradas, amigos/
what's done is done= lo hecho, hecho está/ forgive= perdonar/ let you know= hacer sabe/
hopefully= con optimismo, con ilusión/ laugh= risa/ veil= velo/ angrier= más enfadado/
dummy= maniquí, muñeco/ stepped= midió los pasos/ tripped= tropezó/ as much as= tanto como/
arm held out= brazo extendido/ lying= tendido, echado/ leaves= hojas/ amung= entre, en medio/
shovel= pala/ hung= colgado, cayó/ stood= estba de pie, estaba situado/ mad= enojado, enloquecido/
to make room= hacer espacio/ enough= suficiente/ chest= pecho/ wishpering= susurrando/
after a while= después de un tiempo/ lifted= levantó/ ticking= tic tac/ drops= gotas/
cried out= gritó, exclamó/ rocking slowly= meciendose lentamente

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 60. 6 Listening& Reading. 
d) She's a singer/ Because of her appearance, it wasn't appropriate for her job.

e) 2- Judging people by appearance can be useful, and is often right

f) 1- F  Nobody thought for a while that she could ever become a star/
   2- T Journalist stared to talk about how wrong it is to stereotype/ 3- T This was vitally important/
   4- F In the past people needed to judge whether a person was dangerous or not/
   5- F It often has given us generally accurate information/
   6- T She has started to change her appearance

g) 1- went viral (was sent all over the internet)/
    2- Judge a book by its cover (judge a person by his appearance)/
    3- Vitally important (absolutely essential)/
   4- social-economic level (what social class she is and how much money she has)/
   5- underdogs (people who are not expected to succeed)

h) 1- Yes, the people in my country like to judge the people by their appearance
    2-  The politicians - It's very important that their appearance show their  political ideals
         Tv presents- They must dress correctly because they are seen by many people
         Business people - No, their appearance is not very important, the important is their feelings as
        Singers - they must dress according to their music style
        Doctors - they must dress correctly and they must look clean
    3- When I'm going to shop, I usually judge the sellers

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 62. 5&6 Revise and Check
a) 1- Elliot served, but the ball went into the net/
    2- The athlete fall at the end of the race when she was running/
    3- I didn't realize that you two hadn't met before/
    4- Were you wearing them when you left home this morning?/
    5- Do you usually walk to work, or do you drive?/
    6- When I was a child didn't use to like vegetables/
    7- Did you use to do any sport when you were at university?/
    8- Lots of famous films have been shot in Cortland Alley/
    9- He's an actor who hates being asked about his private life/
   10- Why is the film being made in New Zeland?/
   11- Many people believe that Columbus didn't really discover America/
   12- They might be in the garden. Have a look/
   13- He's a bit older than me, so he can't be in his 30s now/
   14- That can't true! I sow them together just now/ 15- She may know him. I'm not sure

a) 1- kiss lips/ 2- stare eyes/ 3- smell nose/ 4- clap hands/ 5- bite teeth

+ If you study, you will pass  --- Present + Future
   If the wheater is fine tomorrow, we will go to the beach  ---  Present + Future
   If I see her, I will ask her about her baby  ---   Present + Future

* PHOTOCOPY 13/03/18. The song. I'm your man (Leonard Cohen)
- I'll do anything you ask me to/ And if you want another kind of love/ If you want a partner/
  Here I stand/ I will step into the ring for you/ If you want a driver/
  Or if you want to take me for a ride/ Ah, the moon's too bright/ The beast won't go to sleep/
  That I made and I could not keep/ Not by begging on his knees/ And I'd fall at your feet/
  And I'd claw at your heart/ A moment on the road/ And if you want to work the street alone/
  If you want a father for your child/ Or only want to walk with me a while/
  I'll do anything you ask me to/ And if you want another kind of love

 - Hábito pasado= used to     Ej: When I was younger I used to play football   
   Hábito presente= usually.  Ej: I usually eat about 13.00 p.m.

- MET= verse por primera vez

donkey jacket= chaqueta de burro/ raincoat= gabardina/  accurate= exacto, preciso/
the underdog= el que tiene menos probabilidades de ganar/ matters= importar (tener importancia)/
lack of wordly= falta de palabra, ignorante/  stunning= extremadamente bello o atractivo/
trust= confianza/ persons feeling= el sentimiento de las personas/ surgery= consultorio/
smell= oler/ bite= morder/ met= verse por primera vez/ claws= garras/ to claw= arañar, desgarrar/
had a chance= tenia una oportunidad/ amazed= asombrado/  although= aunque, a pesar de que/
is unlike to stops us from= es diferente que nos impide/ dyeing= tiñiendo (pelo)/
skill= habilidad, destreza/ summary= resumen, extracto/ succeed= triunfar, tener éxito, salir bien

- Student's book. Pag. 62 & 63. All exercises
- For next Tuesday. Book The secret agent. Chapter 10

jueves, 8 de marzo de 2018


8 de marzo de 2018
* PHOTOCOPY 8/3/18
2) 1 Emmeline Pankhurst was born in 1858. when British women couldn't vote in elections/
    2- She wanted women to have the same rights as men/
    3- In 1888. the girls at the Bryan and May match factory in London went on strike/
    4- Emmeline formed The Women's Social and Political Union in 1903/
    5- They fought for women's rights, especially the right to vote/
    6- They published a newspaper called Votes for Women and held demostrations/
    7- In 1918. the British government gave women aged over 30 the right to vote/
    8- Women are finally allowed to vote at the same age as men in 1928

3) a- When Emmeline was born, women couldn't vote/
    b- She became interested in politics when she was growing up/
    c- She wanted women to have the same rights as men/
    d- The girls at the match factory were often fined or got ill/
    e- They went on strike and Emmiline supported them/
    f- Emmeline started a group to fight for women's rights/
    g- The group published a newspaper and held demostrations/
    h- Women got the right to vote in Britain in 1918/
    i- Women got the right to vote ate same age as men in 1928/
    j- Emmeline was a very influential person

1) I'd roll out of the bed in the morning/ And go drink beer with the guys/ How it feels to love a girl/
    I'd listen to her/ Cause I know how it hurts/ I would turn off my phone/
    So they'd think that I was sleeping alone/ Waiting for me to come home/ Say it's just a mistake/
    If you thought I would wait for you/ You thought wrong/ How it feels to love a girl/
    You don't listen to her/ You don't care how it

a) B- Mmm, I suppose it might be her/ A- Well it must be five years since we last saw her/
    B- He can't be her husband, can he?/
    A- No, he can't be. They broke up years ago and haven't spoken to each other since/
    B- It may be her new boyfriend - or her son!

b) A- He's a student so he can't be that rich/ B- He must have generous parents then/
    B- Well, he can't be far away. His phone's on the table/ A- Any idea where he might be?/
    B- He might be talking to the boss or he might be in the photocopying room/
    B- So, it can't be from anyone you know/ A- They may be ringing to offer me the job/
    B- Well, don't be too confident because they might be calling to say you didn't get the job/
    A- This steak can't be for me/ B- It must be mine, then

might -- hace referencia a menos posilidades (podría) 
may   -- hace referencia a más posibilidades (puede)

- Type 1---   If I study, I will pass
- Type 2---   If I won the lottery, I would buy a Ferrari
                    If I were (was) rich, I would live in Switzerland

held demonstration= manifestación/ union= sindicato/ to fine= multar/ fine= multa/
thinner=más delgado/ confident= confiado/ bachelor of Arts= licenciado en Humanidades/
bachelor of Science= licenciado en Ciencias/ bachelor= solteron (masculino)/
compulsary= obligatorio/ undergraduate= graduado/ graduate= graduado con master/
throw on= poner (algo rápido)/ kick it= relax/ stick up= defender, pegarse/ to swear= jurar/ 
take for granted= dar por sentado/ for give you like= para gustarte/
gender equality= igualdad de genero

* PAGINA DE INTERNET de photocopy 08/03 http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en

- Book The secret agent. Chapter 9

martes, 6 de marzo de 2018


6 de marzo de 2018
- Grammar Book. The body and clothes. Pag. 235-236
3) 1-This dress doesn't fit me. It's far too big/
    2- The children decided to dress up as astronauts for the party/
    3- Sue always seems to wear trousers/ 4- I like your new haircut. It makes you look younger/
    5- It's a nice pullover, but the color doesn't suit you/
    6- The escaped prisoner managed to disguise himself as a policeman/
    7- I got up late and had only a few minutes to put on my clothes/
    8- I don't think that yellow shocks go with a black suit

4) 1- part of an item of clothing for covering the arm - sleeve/
    2- woman's or girl's that covers the body from shoulders to the knee or below dress /
    3- jacket together with trousers or skirt made from the same material suit/
    4- a soft covering for the head worn by young people and in some sports cap/
    5- trousers that end above or at the knee shorts/
    6- item of clothing for women or girls that hangs from the waist and covers all or part of the legs
        skirt/ 7- item of clothing for women or girls covering the upper half of the body blouse/
    8- soft item of clothing that covers the lower leg and foot inside the shoe sock

5) 1- The word is on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't remember it/
    2- Crossing the mountains on my own was a/ an hair raising-adventure/
    3- I know this is hard to believe, but you must face the truth/
    4- It is now over 30 years since man first set foot on the moon/
    5- After his long trip Tom's parents welcomed him to with open arms/
    6- Peter knows the songs by heart and doesn't need to look at a book/
    7- Try to stay calm, and don't lose your head, and everything will be fine/
    8- Have I really won the prize, or are you only pulling my leg?/
    9- Lisa needs some help with her suitcase. Could you give her a hand?/
   10 I waved at Ann, hoping to catch her eye, but she didn't see me

6) a- cheek/ b- chin/ c- neck/ d- chest,bust/ e- waist/ f- thigh / g- knee/ h- shoulder/ i- elbow/ j- wrist/
    k- hip/ l - bottom/ m- ankle/ n- heel

to dress up= disfrazar/ suit= convenir, sentar bien/ to disguise= disfrazar, ponerse un disfraz/
sleeve= manga (de ropa)/ tongue= lengua/ face= hacer frente, enfrentarse a/ eye= ojear, observar/
to catch her eye= llamar su atención/ cheek= mejilla/ chin= barbilla/ thigh=muslo/ elbow= codo/ wrist= muñeca/ hip= cadera/ bottom= trasero/ heel= tacón/ hair raising= poner los pelos de punta/ pulling my leg= tomando el pelo

Diferencia entre dress up= disfrazarse para una fiesta / disguise= diesfrazarse para engañar

1- B It has too many disadvantages/ 2- A are mostly professionals/
3- B is where villagers can talk to each other/ 4- C seems to be free when people are working/
5- A nobody has worked on it for over two years/ 6- B his beneficial for his everyday life

Bingo is a popular game played for money in the UK. Bingo nights are held in church halls,
clubs and pubs all over the country. To play the game you have to buy one o more cards with
numbers printed on them.

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 59. 3 Pronunciation
b) 1- (ai) bite, eyes, smile/ 2- (ei) face, taste/ 3- (əʊ) nose, shoulders, throw, toes/ 4- (aʊ) mouth/
5- (eə) stare, hair/ 6- (ɪə) beard

d) Which part of the body do you wear a ring? I wear my ring on my ring finger
                                                               gloves? I wear gloves on my hands
                                                               socks? I wear socks on my feets
                                                               a cap? I wear a cap on my head
    Which part of the body do ballet dancers stand on? They stand on their toes
                                          do footballers often injure? They often injure their legs or their ankles
                                          do women put make-up on? They put make-up on their faces
                                          do people brush? The people brush the hair or the teeth
                                          do people carry a rucksack on? They carry a rucksack on their shoulders

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 60. 5 Grammar
a) 3- she might be a criminal/ 3- she might be not know how to use the internet/
    3- she could be a model/ 2- she could be German or Scandinavian/ 1- She may be a millionaire/
    2- her hair must be dyed/ 3- she must be retired/ 1- she can't be a business person

c) No, judge by appearances is wrong

d) 1 modal verbs means it's possible ----   might, could, may  --- POSIBILIDAD
    2 modal verbs mean it's very probable ---  must  --- AFIRMACION CONSTATADA
    3 modal verbs mean it's impossible  --- can't  --- TOTALMENTE IMPOSIBLE

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 143. Grammar Bank 6B. modals of deduction: might, can't, must
might be/ may be (podría ser/ puede ser) - cuando  posiblemente algo puede ser cierto

+ can't + inf.verb -- estás seguro que algo es totaltmente imposible o qué no puede ser verdad

+ must + inf.verb -- cuando tu estás seguro que algo es totalmente cierto

- Usamos los verbos MIGHT/ MAY, CAN'T, MUST para expresar cuanto de seguros estamos acerca de lo que hablamos basándonos en la información que tenemos o conocemos

- No usamos el verbo CAN en lugar de MIGHT/ MAY Ej.He can be on the plane now (incorrecto)
                                                                                                 He may be on the plane now (correcto)

- La forma CAN'T es lo contrario de MUST. Nunca MUSN'T ya que expresa PROHIBICION 
    Ej: The neighbours can't be out (correcto)   /   The neighbours musn't be out (incorrecto)

- Se puede usar COULD / MIGHT en las frases positivas indiferentemente
    Ej: Jack could be at the party =   Jack might be at the party --- Podría ser, pero no estoy seguro.

- Utilizamos BE+GERUNDIO después de MIGHT/ MUST/ CAN'T (infinitive continuous)
    Ej:  The must be having a party -  the music is very loud

- Exercises 
a) 1- He's not old enough/ 2- He isn't wearing a jumper/ 3- He's carrying a sports bag/
    4- He's looking at a map/ 5- He's wearing a wedding ring/
    6- He's carrying a camera and guidebook/ 7- He isn't talking to anybody/
    8- He's looking at job adverts in the newspaper/ 9- He isn't wearing a suit

c) 1- I don't know his salary, but he must earn a fortune!/ 2- She might not like it/
    3- She must speak a lot of languages to work there/ 4- He can't feel very happy about that/
    5- I suppose they might be on holiday/ 6- She must be ill/ 7- She might not recognize me/
    8- She can't be working very hard/ 9- She might have a new partner/
   10- but he can't live near the office because he commutes every day by train

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 60. 6 Listening & Reading
a) He can't be Italian/ He must be English/ He can't be very rich his clothes seems cheap/
    He might be a homeless/ He may be an intellectual/ He can't be hungry

b) 1- They were in London, at Hampstead Heath a big park in London/
    2- They were walking in Hampstead Heat park in north London when they were sat
        down on a bench to have a rest, they saw a man/
    3-  She looked a real mess he had very long white hair and he was walking very slowly, he was
         wearing a jacket with a hole in it and old looking shoes, and her friend said oh, look at that poor
         man, he must be a tramp./
    4- She wanted to give some money him/
    5- The speaker stopped Adriana because the man wasn't a tramp

c) 1- Because that man isn't a tramp, he is Micheal Foot an ex-politician,
        he used to be the leader of the Labour party

broad= ancho/ narrow= estrecho/ ring finger= dedo anular/ middle finger= dedo medio/
teeth= dientes/ tooth= diente/ feet= pies/ foot= pie/ might be= puede ser (probabilidad)/
policies= pólizas/ convicted= condenado/ murdering= asesinato/ committed= cometió/
dyed= teñido/ supporting actress= actriz de reparto/ maimed= mutilados/
real-mess= verdadero desastre/ smartly= inteligentemente/ judged people= juzgar a la gente/
commute= venir regularmente, viajar a diario

- Writing. Student's book. Pag. 117. A film you would recommend.


jueves, 1 de marzo de 2018


1 de marzo de 2018
* GRAMMAR BOOK. Chapter 15. Pag. 64
+ Pasivo: Forma
El pasivo se forma con BE + PAST PARTICIPLE
- Present simple: is, are + Past Participle. Hundreds of houses are built every year
- Present continuous: is, are + BEING + Past Participle.Two men are being questioned by the boss
- Present perfect: have, has + BEEN + Past Participle. Helen has been chosen as the new president
- Past simple: was, were + Past Participle. One protester was arrested
- Will: will, won't + BE + Past Participle. The match will be played on Wednesday evening.

- El objeto de la forma activa se convierte en sujeto en la forma pasiva.
  Ej: The company builds hundreds of houses every year  /  Hundreds of houses are built every year
                                              Objeto                                              Sujeto

+ Pasivo: uso
Enfoque de la información más importante:
Activa= más enfásis en quién realiza la acción. The company built hundreds of houses last year
Pasiva= más énfasis en el objeto afectado por la acción.
                               Hundreds of houses were built by the company.

- En las pasivas generalmente la infomación enfatizada está al principio de la frase.

- La forma pasiva es usada en escritos formales, especialmente en escritos científicos y
  en el lenguaje escrito y hablado en general.

+ Usando BY and WITH
El "agente" es la persona o cosa que realiza la acción. Utilizamos BY + Agent
   Ej: Hundreds of houses were built by the company last year

El "instrumento" es la cosa que usamos para realizar la acción. Utilizamos WITH + Instrument
   Ej: The windows were broken with a baseball bat

+ Frases sin un Agente
No siempre es necesario mencionar el Agente. Hay varias razones para ello:
1- El Agente no es conocido . Brenda's motorbike was stolen last night. No sabemos quien la robó
2- Cuando se obvia el Agente. One protester was arrested. Sabemos que siempre es la policia
3- El Agente no es importante. A lot cars are sold every year. No importa que realiza la acción

+ Verbos transitivos e intransitivos
- Los verbos con objetos son llamados transitivos. A man helped the old lady across the road
- Los verbos sin objeto son llamados intransitivos. Diane sits near the front of the class

- Solo los verbos transitivos pueden ser utilizados en la forma pasiva

- Algunos verbos pueden ser los dos tipos transitivos e intransitivos.
   Solo se considerarán transitivo cuando la frase tenga Objeto
   Ej. Diane walks to school  (intransitivo)  / When she gets home, she walks the dog (transitivo)

* GRAMMAR BOOK. Chapter 15. Pag. 66. Exercises
1- My wallet has been stolen by someone/ 2- We were taught by a different teacher yesterday/
3- Nick was operated on at the hospital by a doctor/ 4- The meal was served by a waiter in a red coat/
5- We were shown round the museum by a guide/
6- Two letters were delivered this morning by the postman/
7- Three men have been arrested by the police/ 8- Yesterday a window was broken by someone

1- George was questioned by the police/ 2- This programme is watched by millions of people/
3- Our new house will be finished at the end of the month/ 4- A new president has been elected/
5- The damaged stadium is being rebuilt/ 6- The mountain road has been closed/
7- Most of this magazine is written by students/ 8- My laptop was stolen by a burglar/
9- You will be met with somebody at the bus station/ 10- Last year the cup was won by the girl's team

1- Many pet dogs are lost every year/ 2- The injured man was taken to hospital/
3- A new bridge is built across the river/ 4- All the food at the party was eaten/
5- Nothing will be decided before next Saturday/ 6- The match is being played on Friday evening/
7- The robber unlocked the door with a false key/ 8- This book was written by Sam's father

1- A new tomb has been discovered by archaeologists in Egypt/
2- The new sports stadium will be opened by the President on Saturday/
3- This portrait was painted by Picasso/
4- The results of the competition will be announced tomorrow/
5- Our school is being redecorated during the summer holidays/
6- Three terrorists have been arrested in New York/
7- More than 1.000 cars are sold by our company every week/
8- A new museum is being built in the city center

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 56. 6 Speaking & Listening
a) War Horse - war, drama film/ Indiana Jones - action/ E.T. science-fiction, drama /
    Minority Report - thriller, science fiction, action/ Catch me if you can - comedy, drama

b) 1- It is in Crakovia, Poland/ 2- I think it is Shindler's list/
    3- She is playing on extra in a party scene/ 4- Yes, he was demanding but very nice to work for him

d) 1 - F She's a university student/ 2- F - She got a job there as a production assistant/
    3- F The party was to celebrate that they would start filming the movie/
    4- F The interpreter can't come/ 5- T Yes, Spielberg was very pleased with her

f) go to the film set every day, translate Spielberg's instructions/
    They had to shot scene many times, she would think it was her fault, maybe she hadn't translated
   In a scene with a lot of actors they had to repeat it so many times that he got stressed and shouted at
    her later he apologized/
    He was demanding but he treated her well, like a daughter/
    She was going to be an extra in two-party scenes, but one didn't make it to the final cut of the film/
    She interpreted for Spielberg again in the premiere in Poland Tv. He also invited her to work for
    him in Hollywood, but she didn't go

g) Yes, of course, it would be a great job. I think she should have gone to Hollywood with Spielberg

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 117. A film review
a) 1- is based on the book/ 2- the film was directed by Francis/ 3- It stars Marlon Brando/
    4- the film is set in New York/ 5- on location in New York/ 6- I strongly recommend/
    7- it has action/ 8- an unforgettable soundtrack/ 9- The two sequels

b) 1- The name of the film, the director, the starts, and any prize it won/
    2- Where and when it is set. Where it was filmed/ 3- The plot/ 4- Why you recommend the film

c) Present Simple

f) Yes, I saw the Godfather on Tv many years ago

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 58. 6B. 1 Reading & Speaking
a)  1- No, I don't have a profile photo of myself, I have an avatar on social networking sites,
         it's my own motorbike
     2- Because I like to ride a motorbike and this motorbike was my motorbike/
     3- I think that it says about me, that I love motorbikes and that I like to ride a motorbike

b) Because these photos show their personality

c) A- 6/ B- 5/ C- 12/ D- 10/ E- 3/ F- 2
    Annabel 6/ Martin 5/ Sean 4/ Sarah 3/

d) 1- mainly for business or career purposes= principalmente para negocios o carrera profesional/   
    2- what you have achieved= lo que has alcanzado en tu vida familiar
    3- you other half= que tu otra mitad, tu pareja/ 4- young and carefree= joven y desprocupado/ 5- a different side of yourself= un lado diferente de ti mismo/ 6- grow up= crecer, madurar/ 7- talke yourself too seriously= tomarse demasiado en serio uno mismo/ 10- a well-known person= una persona, o personalidad conocida por los demas/ 11- dress up= disfrazarse, ataviarse

2- Vocabulary
a) The thief is the number 3

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 160. The Body. 1 Parts of the body
a) 6 arms/ 8 back/ 16 ears/ 13 eyes/ 9 face/ 7 feet (pl. foot)/ 14 fingers/ 5 hands/ 2 head/ 19 knees/
    17 legs/ 20 lips/ 1 mouth/ 4 neck/ 18 nose/ 12 shoulders/ 10- stomach/ 11 teeth (pl. tooth)/
    3 toes/ 15 tongue

En inglés se utiliza los pronombres posesivos (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their) con las partes del cuerpo
  Ej: Give me your hand   / NO      give me the hand

BY ---solo para personas (directed by George) /WITH --- solo para objetos (make with a machine)

good manners= buenas maneras, buenos modales/ stunned= aturdido/ to pinch= pellizcar, apretar/ was like to work it= como erea trabajar con/ to regret= arrepentirse/ not at all= no del todo/ tempted=tentada/ tripped= tropecé, dar un tropezón/ must be= debe de ser, debe de tener/
can't be= no puede ser, no puede tener/ current= actual/ currently= actualmente/
toes= uñas de los pies

- Grammar Book: pag. 25- 236
- Book The secret agent. Chapter 8
- Writing. Student's book. Pag. 117. Exercise e --- For Thursday