martes, 27 de febrero de 2018


27 de febrero de 2018
* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 142. exercise
b) 1- A lot of foreign films are subtitled by them/
    2- Love in Time of Cholera was written by Garcia Marquez/
    3- My laptop is repaired by someone/ 4- The DVD of the film hasn't been released yet/
    5- The film won't be finished until the spring/
    6- The tickets have to be collected at the box office by you/
    7- The actor hadn't been told about the changes in the script/
    8- Avatar was directed by Cameron/
    9- The soundtrack has already been recorded/
   10- The director was being interviewed about the film

* WORKBOOK. Pag. 37
1 Vocabulary
a) 1- A film where images are drawn is an animation/ 2- A funny film is a comedy/
    3- A film based on real events in the past is a historical film/
    4- A film with an exciting plot is a thriller/ 5- A scary film is a horror film/
    6- A film about cowboys is a western/
    7- A film about imaginary events in the future is a science-fiction film/
    8- A film where the cast sing and dance is a musical/
    9- A film about wars and battles is a war film/
   10- A film with a serious story is a drama/ Hidden kind of film is an action film

b) 1- The star of the film was a famous British actress/
    2- I didn't understand the film because the plot was very complicated/
    3- The actor accepted the part as soon as he had read the script/
    4- Some members of the audience were crying at the end of the film/
    5- Most critics have given the film an excellent review/ 6- The only had to shoot the scene once/
    7- We don't speak French, so we saw the French film with English subtitles/
    8- You'll have to wait for the script to find out what happens next/
    9- My favorite soundtrack is the music from The Artist/
   10- The best thing about the film was the special effects. They looked very realistic/
   11- The director is looking for extras to act in the crowd scenes/
   12- The cast was a mixture of British and American actors

2 Grammar
a) 1- The film is directed by Kathryn Bigelow/
    2- The part of Spiderman was played by Andrew Garfield/
    3- It was very windy while the scene was being shot/
    4- The sequel will be released next year/
    5- Some of the extras have been invited to the film premiere/
    6- The musical is being shown in cinemas all over the country/
    7- The drama is going to be dubbed into the other languages/
    8- The script was written by the author of the book


How to make the Passive in English

We make the passive by putting the verb 'to be' into whatever tense we need and then adding the past participle. For regular verbs, we make the past participle by adding 'ed' to the infinitive. So play becomes played.
present simplemake a cake.A cake is made (by me).
present continuousam making a cake.A cake is being made (by me).
past simplemade a cake.A cake was made (by me).
past continuouswas making a cake.A cake was being made (by me).
present perfecthave made a cake.A cake has been made (by me).
pres. perf. continuoushave been making a cake.A cake has been being made (by me).
past perfecthad made a cake.A cake had been made (by me).
future simplewill make a cake.A cake will be made (by me).
future perfectwill have made a cake.A cake will have been made (by me

Verbs with two objects
Some verbs that have two objects can make two different active sentences, and so two different passive sentences too:
  • Active: He gave me the book / He gave the book to me.
You can choose either of the two objects to be the subject of the passive sentence.
  • Passive: I was given the book (by him)/ The book was given to me (by him).
Other verbs like this are: ask, offer, teach, tell, lend, promise, sell, throw. 

The passive voice can also be used with modals
Present modals
ActiveThe boys can eat the pie
PassiveThe pie can be eaten by the boys     modal verb + be + participle
Past modals
ActiveThe boys could have eaten the pie
PassiveThe pie could have been eaten by the boys  modal verb + have been + participle

- El agente de la pasiva es el sujeto de la activa
  Ej: A dentist invented the electric chair - (Passive) The electric chair was invented by a dentist
           Sujeto                                                                                                                     Agente

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.56. 4 Vocabulary    
a) 1- set in: took place, the action happened it/ 
    2- are based on: to make these scenes used details from a real-life situation/ 
    3- were shot: were filmed

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 159. Cinema
1 Kinds of film
1- a) 5- an action-film/ 3- an animation/ 12- a comedy/ 1- a drama/ 11- a historical film/ 
        6- a horror film/ 2- a musical/ 10- a rom-com/ 9 - a science fiction film/ 7- a thriller/ 
        4- a war film/ 8- a western

    c) action-film A todo gas/ animation Shrek/ comedy Los albondigas/ drama Noches de Africa/
        historical film Enrique VIII/ horror film Nightmare on Elm Street/ musical Los miserables/ 
        rom-com Pretty woman/ science fiction Avatar/ thriller Misión imposible/ war Dunkerque/ 
        western La diligencia

   d) funny: comedy, rom-com/ violent: western, action film, war, horror film, thriller, science fiction/
       exciting: musical, action film, thriller, historical film/ scary: horror film, war film/
       moving: action film, thriller, historical film, musical

   e) I like historical film and thriller and I don't like to see comedy and western films 

2 People and things
a) 1- cast/ 2- star/ 3- soundtrack/ 4- plot/ 5- scene/ 6- audience/ 7- sequel/ 8- script/ 9- extra/ 
    10- subtittles/ 12- review

3 Verbs and phrases
1- B It was directed by Tate Taylor/ 2- D It was dubbed into other languages/ 
3- C Viola Davis played the part of Aibileen Clark/ 
4- A The film is set in Mississippi in the USA during the 1960s/ 
5- E It is based on the novel of the same name by Kathryn Stockett/ 
6- F It was shot (filmed) on location in Greenwood, Mississippi

- Be on = ser mostrado en Tv o en el cine. Ej: what's on Tv tonight?/ What's on at the cinema?

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 56. 4 Vocabulary
c) 1- plot= the story of a film/ script= a written text of a film/ 
    2- horror film= a type of film that is designed to frighten people/ 
        thriller= a type of film with an exciting especially one about crime/
   3- musical= Part or all of the story is told using songs and often dancing/ 
       soundtrack= some of the music from a film/ 
   4- the main cast= the most important people who act in a film/ 
       extras= people who are employed to play a very small part in a film, usually as part of a crowd

5 Speaking
a) 1- was incredibly funny - Perfecto desconocidos/ had a very sad ending - Titanic/
        sent you to sleep- Hannah and her sisters/ made you feel good - Star Wars/ 
        you've seen several times - Christine/ made you buy the soundtrack - The wall
    2- I prefer seeing films at home because it's more comfortable and cheaper for me/ 
        I prefer seeing American films and films from my country/ I usually seeing foreign films 
        with subtitles
   3- Comedy, drama and thriller/ Is based on real event/ 
       It was shot in Spain and it was made this year/ 
       It is Perfectos desconocidos, it was directed by Alex de la Iglesia/ Yes it has a good plot/ 
       No, it has not a good soundtrack/ I like it because is very hilarious and shows the real life

* PHOTOCOPY 27/02/18

rom-com= comedia romántica/ script= guión/script writer= guionista/ dubbed into= doblada al/ cast= reparto/ plot= trama/ review= crítica/ is set= situado, ubicado/ shot= grabado, filmado/ audience= espectadores/ sequel= secuela (en una película)/ stunt= escena peligrosa/
stuntman= especialista (de cine)

- Grammar book: Pag 64.65 Chapter 15
                             Pag 66.67 exercises

jueves, 22 de febrero de 2018


22 de febrero de 2018
- Book. The secret agent. Chapter 6
had managed to get= había logrado obtener/ charity cottage= casa de caridad/
back room= cuarto trasero/ stared= miró fijamente/ was glad= estaba encantada, contenta/
the day before she left= el dia antes de irse/ to depend on= depender de/ look after= cuidar/
pulled by= tirado por/ climbed onto= subido encima/ stuttering= tartamudeando/hurt= herido/
whipped it= lo azotó/ stood up= levantarse/  shook= estremecerse/ lifted up= levantó/
optimistic thought= pensamiento optimista/without a word= sin decir una palabra, sin hablar/
unfairness= injusticia/ this worked well= esto funciono bien/ badly-lit street= calle mal iluminada/ great affection= gran afecto/  supper-time= hora de cenar/notice= darse cuenta/
to miss= extrañar, perder/who he could find to plant= quien podria el encontrar para poner/
held no answers for him= no tenia respuestas para el/  I shall manage= yo me las arreglaré/
to make X feel happy=hacer sentirse feliz a X/instead= en lugar de/after supper= despues de cenar/

- Exercises
Reading check
a) Winnie cannot understand why her mother wants to move 3/
b) Winnie's mother leaves nothing for Stevie because he wants Verloc to feel that he must look after
    the boy 7/
c) Stevie jumps down from the cab because he doesn't like to see the driver hurting the horse 4/
d) Winnie's mother cries because Stevie will find it hard to come and visit her 8/
e) Stevie is angry because he thinks the world is unfair 6/
f) That evening Winnie realizes that she misses her mother very much 2/
g) After supper, Verloc goes out to find someone to plant the bomb 9/
h) When Winnie is worried about things she usually talks about something else 1/
i) Instead of telling Winnie about his problems, Verloc decides to go abroad 5/

Word work
- affection/ - charity/ - glad/ - depend/ - box

a) Stevie doesn't like it when the cab driver whips his horse/
b) Stevie sits up high on the box next to the cab driver/
c) The people Winnie's father used to work for give Winnie's mother a charity house to live in/
d) Stevie is glad to stop a bus for Winnie when she asks him to/
e) Winnie feels great affection for her younger brother/
f) Winnie's mother thinks that it's better for Stevie to depend on Verloc than to have to look after

Guess what
a) Verloc comes home after some time abroad/
b) Stevie puts Verloc's hat and bag away when he comes in/
c) Winnie is happy when Verloc takes Stevie out with him/
d) Stevie goes to stay with Michaelis for a while/
e) Verloc comes back home late on the day of the Greenwich bomb/
f)  The Assistant Commissioner comes to the shop and takes Verloc away to talk to him/
g) Inspector Heat comes to the shop and shows Winnie the address from the blue coat

- The secret agent. Chapter 7
Reading Check
Verloc comes home after a journey abroad and finds Stevie is helpful around the house. Verloc doesn't start to take Winnie with him when he goes out. After some days of going out walking together, Stevie starts talking to himself angrily. Winnie is worried. Verloc takes Stevie away to Michaelis's country house in order for him to calm down. The day of the Greenwich bombing, Verloc comes home when late. He has a lot of money with him and talks of going abroad. Winnie called him food. Then the assistant commissioner visits the shop. Verloc gives Winnie all his money and leaves to talk with his visitor. Soon after, Inspector Heat arrives and asks Winnie what she knows of the Greenwich bombing. She says she knows nothing. When he shows her the address on a piece of blue cloth, she tells him it comes from her brother's coat. Heat realizes that Stevie was the "Greenwich bomber" and Verloc was the "other man". When Verloc comes back home alone, he and Heat talk together privately and Winnie listens through the keyhole. After some time Heat walks past Winnie into the street. Winnie covers her face with her hands

Word Work
a) sew/ b) ratting/ c) huge/ d) hoarse/ e) staggered/ f) kisses/ g) trapped/ h) roots

Guess what
a) The Assistant Commissioner tells Sir Ethelred who the "Greenwich bomber" was.
b) The Assistant Commissioner tell his wife's friend that Michaelis is out of trouble
c) The Assistant Commissioner meets Vladimir at a party
d) Vladimir says that the British police aren't hard enough on criminals
e) The Assistant Commissioner tells Vladimir he knows that Verloc is a secret agent
f) Vladimir is surprised when he hears that the British police know who the Greenwich bomber was

took it away= se lo llevó/ he won't= el no lo hará/ he might calm down= el podría calmarse/ 
sewing= cosiendo, costura/ straight= derecho, recto/ sat still= sentada aún/ hoarsely= roncamente/
a strange ratting noise= un extraño traqueteo/ had pulled a chair= el habia tirado una silla/ 
his huge back was shaking= su enorme espalda temblaba/ nowhere= en ninguna parte/ 
hoarse voice= voz ronca/ may need= podría necesitar/ carving knife= cuchillo de trinchar/
she did not move from where she stood= ella no se movió de donde estaba/staggered= titubeo/
fork= tenedor/  his hair was standing up= su pelo estaba en punta/ to be wet= estar mojado/
resting on= descansado sobre, apoyado sobre/  you have= tu lo hiciste/ shortly after= poco después/
you'll have to go without me= tendrías que irte sin mi/ sighed= suspiró/
I've got a tongue in my head= Yo tengo una lengua in mi cabeza/ led him= le dirigió, le condujo/
get rid of that man= deshacerse de ese hombre/ look up= mirar hacia arriba, levantar la mirada/ 
did your husband say when he would be back?= Dijo su esposo cuando estaría de vuelta?/ 
she whispered and staggered backwards a little= ella susurró y se tambaleó hacia atrás un poco/ 
it was me who found out the true story= fui yo quien descubrió la verdadera historia/ 
I never noticed that she had done that=  nunca me di cuenta que ella habia hecho eso/ 
we think he tripped over a tree root= creemos que el tropezo con una raiz de un árbol/ 
what made you do it?= que te hizo hacerlo?/ instead= en cambio, en lugar de/
shone brightly= brilló intesamente

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 54. 1 Reading.
a) No, I'm sorry but I have never seen that series
b) The castle has been owned by the Carnarvon family/
    the castle was transformed into Downton Abbey/ These scenes are based on a real-life event/
    has been used for almost all the alley scenes/
    Thousands of tourists want to be photographed in Courtland Alley/
    it is not inhabited by gangsters/ which was designed by the famous architect/
    and was inspired by one of the girls/ Visitors are welcomed throughout the year

c) 1- Is not really as it seems in films B/ 2- has a permanent exhibition there A/
   3- was used for the same thing both in real life and on TV A/
   4- is where a famous author met a person who inspired him C/
   5- is one of the few places of its kind that still exists B/ 6- is only open during holiday periods A/
   7- was built in the 1500s C/ 8- is sometimes not open because people are working there C

d) Yes, I saw the Harry Potter's film. I would like to visit Christ Church College
    because there is where was shot, Harry Potter

2 Grammar
a) present passive: is ussed/ are based/
    past passive: was transformed/ were shot/
    present perfect passive: has been owned/ has been sold/
    past perfect passive: had been wounded

   The passive is made with the verb. TO BE + Past Participle
   It changes the form of the verb TO BE. Ej: is+ Past Participle / was,were + Past Participle

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 142. 6A the passive: be+past participle
- Usamos el pasivo cuando no decimos o conocemos quien hace la accion.
  Ej: A lot of films are shot on location/ this bill has to be paid tomorrow/ Andy's bike has been stolen

- Cuando queremos decir quien hizo la acción, utilizamos by
  Ej: Batman Begins was directed by Christopher Nolan (centramos la atención en la película)         
        Chistropher Nolan directed Batman Begins in 2005 (centramos la atención en la persona)

- Las formas negativas e interrogativas tienen la misma forma que la frases activas
  Ej: Some films aren't shot on location/ Is your car being repaired today?

- Usamos la forma pasiva para hablar de procedimientos (procedimientos científicos) 
   y en la escritura formal (periódicos, informes)
  Ej: Then the water is heated to 100 degrees/
        Many buildings in the city have been damaged by the earthquake

* FORMAS PASIVAS. BE(cualquier tiempo) + Past Participle Tense
- Present passive: is,are (TO BE) + Past Participle. The film is based on the novel
- Past passive: was, were (TO BE) + Past Participle The car was made in China
- Present Perfect passive: has been + Past Participle  The garden has been cared by my mom
- Past Perfect passive: had been + Past Participle The house had been used to shot a film
- Passive infinitive: to be + Past Participle  The carpet needs to be washed
- Passive continuous:was, were+being + Past Participle.The car was being repaired by the mechanic
- Present continuous: are, is + being + Past Participle. The cars are being made by machines

- La acción en la forma pasiva siempre es realizada por un objeto inanimado

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 142. Exercise
a) 1- The costumes for the show are being made by hand/
    2- The landscape inspired him to write a poem/
    3- This castle hasn't been inhabited for nearly a century/
    4- The director's last film is set in the present/ 5- The film will be shot in the autumn/
    6- The actors aren't recording the dialogue until next week/
    7- The house wasn't being used by the owners during the winter/
    8- The make-up artist has transformed the actor into a monster/
    9- The hadn't owned the company for very long before they went bankrupt/
  10- The photo was taken by my husband on the balcony of our hotel

*PHOTOCOPY 22-02-18
1- The electric chair was invented by a dentist - Passive and True/
2- 10% of Americans have appeared on TV - Active and False/
3- Chewing gum will stop you crying when you are cutting onions - Active and True/
4- A sneeze travels at 10 miles per hour - Active and False/
5- Ice cream was first made in Italy - Passive and False/
6- More wine is produced in Italy than France - Passive and True/
7- The first underground railway was opened in New York - Passive and False/
8- The first jeans were made by Levi Strauss (a German tailor) - Passive and True/
9- The original VW Beetle was designed by Ferdinand Porsche - Passive and True/
10- Mirrors were invented by the ancient Egyptians - Passive and True/
11- Windmills always turn anticlockwise - Active and True/
12- The rubber tyre was invented by John Dunlop - Passive and True/
13- The first football World Cup was played in 1960 - Passive and False/
14- Over 3 million flowers are grown in the Netherlands each year - Passive and False/
15- Bats always turn left when flying out of a cave - Active and True

inhabited= habitado/ wounded= herido/ earl= conde/ countess= condesa/ giant= gigante/
chased= perseguido/ alley= callejón/ shot= filmada, rodada (una película)/ staircase= escalinata/
edge= al borde, en un extremo/ throught= a lo largo (con referencia al tiempo)/ 
pen-name= seudónimo/ boarding school= internado/ it rings a bell= me suena/
there are hardly any= apenas hay, casi no hay/ on location= en el exterior

- Student's book: Pag. 142 exercise B
- Workbook. Pag. 37

martes, 20 de febrero de 2018


20 de febrero 2018
- Grammar Book. Pag. 20
1- When we had eaten lunch, we sat in the garden/
2- While I was looking for my keys, I remembered I'd left them at home/
3- Paula used to play tennis when she was a child/
4- When I got into bed, I fell asleep immediately/
5- When (I finally found - I'd finally found) the house, I knocked at the door/
6- After Jill (gave/had given) Nick his books, she went home/
7- Maria (used to live/ lived) in Sweden when she was a child/
8- I used to get up early when I went sailing/
9- The Vikings sailed to North America a thousand years ago/
10- Juliet was sure she'd seen the tall man before

1- While I was waiting at the bus stop, I noticed a new shop which hadn't been in the street the day
2- I went out into the garden to fetch my bike but found that someone had stolen it/
3- When George met Diane at the party, he thought that he had seen her somewhere before/
4- Emily got off the bus and was walking into the bank when she realized that she had left her
    handbag on the bus/
5- After I had bought my new bike, I discovered that it didn't have a security lock/
6- I went to the post office to ask about my package, but they said that it still hadn't arrived 

- Grammar Book. Pag. 21

1- had broken/ 2- wanted/ 3- had stolen/ 4- thought/ 5- had done/ 6- needed/ 7- didn't know/
8- had flown/ 9- had been, was/ 10- took place, had taken place

1- Jacke used to have a beard but he shaved it off/
2- My mother (would, used to read) to me every night/
3- In the holidays we (would, used to meet) at the beach every morning/
4- I didn't use to like spinach, but now I do/
5- Helen used to write to me often, but now she phones/ 6- Tina used to live in the house opposite/
7- When I was young, the summers used to be warmer/
8- Whenever our teacher let us leave early, we (would, used to cheer)

a) 1- meet is when you know somebody the first time
        know is when you have somebody met before
    2- colleague is a partner work or the school
        friend is somebody close to somebody, but not family
    3- argue is when somebody speak angry with somebody
        discuss is to talk about of differents points of view

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 158. Relationships
1 People
a) 1- couple two people who are married or in a romatic realationship/
    2- partner your husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend/
    3- fiancé the person that you are engaged to be married to/
    4- flatmate a person that you share a flat with/ 5- colleague a person that you work with/
    6- ex a person that you -used to have a relationship with/
    7- close friend a very good friend that you can talk to about anything/
    8- classmate a friend from school or college

2 Verbs and verbs phrases
1- I met Mark when I was studying at York University/
2- We got to know each other quickly because we went to the same classes/
3- We soon became friends, and we discovered that we have a lot things in common/
4- We went out together in our second term and we fell in love/
5- We were together for two years, but we argued a lot and in our last term at university we broke
6- After we left university, we lost touch because I moved to London and he stayed in York/
7- Five years later we got in touch again on Facebook/
8- This time we got on better than before, maybe because we were older/
9- After two months Mark proposed and I accepted/ 10- We got married last summer

Colloquial language
mates= friends (amigos)/ fancy= attracted to her (atraido) /
dumped= told him that their relationship was over (romper una relación)/
has a crush on= be madly in love with when you are young (locamente enamorado)/
broke up, split up= ended their relationship (romper una relación,separarse)/
fallen out with= stopped being friends (reñirse, enfadarse)

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag.50. 5 Pronunciation
a) Snake= close, converstion, discuss, practice, school, somebody, sport, summer, used to, various
    Zebra= busy, close, eyes, friends, lose, music, raise
    ƒshower= sugar, sure
    ʒtelevisiondecision, pleasure, unsual, usually 

c) 1- The beginning or a word usually pronounced with S (snake), except with sugar and sure (ƒ)
    2- At the end of a word is posible pronunces with Z or S
    3- -sion is pronounced with ʒ

Snake se usa para S, SS, CE/CI, SC, CY, entre dos vocales
Zebra se usa para Z, S y con  VOCALES SORDAS (se,si), palabras plurales
ƒshower se usa para SH, TI(+vocal), CI (+vocal), SU al comienzo de la palabra, CH
ʒtelevision se usa para un sonido inusual, SI, USU (al comienzo de la palabra), GE

6. Listening
b) 1- F/ 2- F/ 3-F
c) the most positive is George and the most negative is Beth
d) 1- B - does not want to share personal information with strangers/ 
    2- N - has fewer Facebook friends that he/ she used to have/
    3- G - has over a thousand friends/ 4- C - uses it to keep in touch with friends who don't live near/
    5- C - thinks people use Facebook to give themselves more importance/ 
    6- N - used to use Facebook more than he / she does now/ 7- G - uses Facebook instead of phoning/
    7- B - does not use social networking sites

e) Yes, I often use Facebook to keep in touch with my friends, 
     I agree with Caitlin because I use Facebook to keep in touch with the distant friends.

7- I agree with A, C, D, E, F / I don't agree B
    I don't agree B because I think that nowadays people has more close friends because in the social
    networking you have more relation with good distant friends and you can talk over your problems
 b) I have friend who I've known  since I was forty years old, but we fallen out with he because
     he is stubborn and he was angry all time.
     I once lent some money to a friend and he paid his debt at the moment tht he had my money

currents= corrientes/ sligthly more= un poco mas/ stay friends= permanecer siendo amigos/ mates= amigos/ dumped= dejar a alguien/ has a crush on= locamente enamorado/ burglar= ladrón/
broke up= romper/ split up= dividir, romper/ fallen out with= enfadarse con/ disguise= disfraz/
to disguise= disfrazarse/ boardgames= juegos de mesa/ flatmate= compañero de piso/
classmate= compañero de clase/ fiancë= prometido,a/ get on= congeniar/ valuable= valioso
lose touch= perder el contacto/ get touch= reanudar el contacto/ to fetch= ir a buscar/ 

- Book A secret agent: Chapter 7
- Workbook: Pag.33 all, Pag. 34 exercise 3 b

martes, 6 de febrero de 2018


6 de febrero de 2018
- Photocopy 01/02/18
1- 75 North Square/ November 25Th, 1991/ The Royal Hotel/ Church Road/ Dear Sir/Madam/
    Please reserve in my name a single room with bath, shower for the night Wednesday,
    December 18th. Please also let me know whether you allow dogs in the hotel,
    as mind probably be travelling with me. Yours faithfully

2- Thank you for your letter of November 25th. I have been a hotel manager for forty years,
    and have never had any problems with dogs. - Dogs have never fallen asleep with cigarettes in
    their hands and burnt their beds. -Dogs have never stolen towels from their rooms. -
    Dogs have never paid their bills with bad cheques. Your dog will be welcome.
    P.s. If your dog promises that you will not cause any problems, you will be welcome too

- Extraphotocopies. Pag. 24.
This story happened to me about five years ago and it's probably the worst thing that's ever happened to me while driving a car. I had bought my car the week before and I was still feeling very excited about it. It didn't have air conditioning but that didn't matter to me because it was my first ever car! I knew that my best friend Penny had always wanted to visit a picturesque little village in the mountains about 150 kilometres from where we live, so I called her and told her that I would taker her there the following day. It was a perfect, warm spring day. The sun was shining and the sky was blue. While I was driving and we were chatting, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was a wasp which had flown into the car! Penny and I both tried to kill the wasp which was buzzing around inside the car. But the wasp suddenly disappeared. Then I felt a pain in my arm: the wasp had stung me! I forgot that I was driving and BANG!. I crashed into the car in front of us. Nobody was hurt but that was the end of our day out and of my car.

* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 116. 4 Telling a story
a) They got lost because her husband followed the instructions given by the satnav, which set there
    in the wrong direction
    They left their dog under the table in the café

b) 1- and then drive from Tarragona to Galicia/ 2- when we continued our journey/
    3- we realize that instead of driving/ 4- but my husband/ 5- So we stopped/
    6- because as well as getting lost/ 7- as soon as  we got  back/
    8- although the beginning of our trip

Lenguaje útil. GETTING LOST (Perderse.. en un viaje, camino, paseo)
getting lost   -  We were going in the wrong direction/ We took the wrong exit, turning/
                        We turned right instead of left/ We didn't know where we were/
                        We had to turn round and go back in the opposite direction

although= aunque, a pesar de/ as soon as= tan pronto como/ because= porque/  but= pero/
instead of= en lugar de, en vez de/ so= así, por tanto, por consiguiente, de esta manera/
then= entonces, luego, pues, en ese caso/ when= cuando

Incorrect: 3- I've completed my sentence/ 5- and terrible mistakes/
               10- and we'll carry on fighting till the end/ 13- No time for winners/
               17- You showed me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it

- Photocopy 01/02/18 Punctuation
- Writing Got lost. Student's book. Pag.116 Tuesday 20th February