- Fotocopia 26-09-17
1- When and where you born? I was born on 1962. I was born in Bilbao
2- How many brothers/sisters do you have? What are their ages?
No, I don´t have any brothers or sisters
3- I what other places have you lived besides here? I have always lived in Bilbao
4- Whar are your favorite activities/hobbies/sports? Why? (Feel free to name several)
My favourite hobbie is to take photographs and then edit them
5- What is the best place you've ever lived in or visited? Please explain
I love Singapore. I was there two years ago. The Singapore people is very friendly
6- What is the accomplishment that you are proudest of in your life? Why are you proud of it?
It was when I got my first job. I was younger when I got it. I only was seventeen years
7- What is weakness or flaw that you would like to eliminate? (Some examples are deeping in too often, sloppiness, forgetting homework, eating to much junk food, etc)
My weakness is sleeping in too often. It's a thing above me.
8- Please choose three words that describe you best:
They may be: worker, friendly and funny.
9- What is something that you would like people to know about you?
It may be that I like the live music, specially rock music
10- What is something that people might be surprised to know about you?
It may be that I don't drink wine, I always prefer have a good colder beer
11- What is something that you would like to ge around to doing some day? Why?
I would like to go at Northkapp., because i's the most northern place in Europe, after it only there are ice
- younger (ianguer)= muy joven, más joven/
trusted person (trasted pe:(r)sen)= persona de confianza, persona confiable/
absent-minded (absent main-ded)= despistado/ retired (retaird)= jubilado/
trusted person (trasted pe:(r)sen)= persona de confianza, persona confiable/
absent-minded (absent main-ded)= despistado/ retired (retaird)= jubilado/
- Present Perfect: I have + verbo en pasado = yo he vivido / yo he leido / yo he comido
* STUDENT'S BOOK 1A Mood Food. Pag. 4
a) red = strawberry / yellow = banana / green = apple
bread and eggs
chesse, butter, yoghurt
lettuce. tomato, onions, olives
tuna, sardines, beer, soup
tomatoes, mushrooms, eggs, bread, beans,
c) fresh= fresco, no congelado p.e. meat, bread / frozen = congelado p.e. meat, fish, ice cream/
low- fat = bajo en grasa p.e. ham, butter/ raw = crudo, no cocinado p.e. fish, sushi/
spicy = especiado, condimentado p.e. chinese food, mexican food/
takeaway = para comer, tomar fuera p.e. pizza, fish and chips/
tinned = enlatado (en america canned= tinned) p.e. tuna, coca-cola, beans
low- fat = bajo en grasa p.e. ham, butter/ raw = crudo, no cocinado p.e. fish, sushi/
spicy = especiado, condimentado p.e. chinese food, mexican food/
takeaway = para comer, tomar fuera p.e. pizza, fish and chips/
tinned = enlatado (en america canned= tinned) p.e. tuna, coca-cola, beans
* STUDENT'S BOOK. Pag. 152. Food and cooking
a) Fish and seafood
1 crab/ 5 mussels/ 6 prawns/ 2 salmon/ 3 squid/ 4 tuna
10 beef/ 11 chicken/ 8 duck/ 9 lamb/ 7 pork
Fruit and Vegetables
18 aubergine (ame. eggplant)/ 23 beetroot / 12 cabbage/ 22 cherries/ 20 courgette (ame. zucchini)/
16 cucumber/ 21 grapes/ 25 green beans/ 24 lemon/ 17 mango/ 13 melon/ 19 peach/ 14 pear/
26 raspberries/ 15 red pepper
16 cucumber/ 21 grapes/ 25 green beans/ 24 lemon/ 17 mango/ 13 melon/ 19 peach/ 14 pear/
26 raspberries/ 15 red pepper
a) 4 boiled/ 3 roast / 1 baked / 6 grilled / 2 fried / 5 steamed
c) eggs - fried/ potatoes - baked / chicken - roasted/ fish - grilled
- Phrasal verb ( Verbo que tiene dos o tres palabras, generalmente verbo + adverbio)
I eat out = Yo como fuera (comer en restaurante, o fuera de casa)
To cut down on = consumir menos
Cut out = eliminar, no consumir
a) 1- spicy/ 2- breakfast/ 3- prawns/ 4- warm/ 5- roart/ 6- boiled/ 7- mushrooms/ 8- duck
- "a" antes de dos consonantes se pronuncia "a"
- "a" antes de una consonante se pronuncia "ei"
- "i" antes de una consonante se pronuncia "ai"
- "i" antes de dos consonantes se pronuncia "i"
- "a" antes de dos consonantes se pronuncia "a"
- "a" antes de una consonante se pronuncia "ei"
- "i" antes de una consonante se pronuncia "ai"
- "i" antes de dos consonantes se pronuncia "i"
younger (ianguer)= muy joven, más joven/
trusted person (trasted pe:(r)sen)= persona de confianza, persona confiable/
absent-minded (absent main-ded)= despistado/ retired (retaird)= jubilado/
strawberry (´stro:beri)= fresa/ raspberry (ra:sberi)= frambuesa/ cherry (tseri)= cereza/
peach (pi:ts)= melocoton/ pear (peer)= pera/ fig (fig)= higo/ avocado (@ve´kadou)= aguacate/ sauce (so:s)= salsa/ sausage (so:sidz)= salchicha/ low fat (lou f@t)= bajo en grasa/
raw (ro:)= crudo/ tinned (tind)= enlatado/ the tin man ( de tin m@n)= el hombre hojalata/
spicy (´spai-si)= especiado/ lobster (lobster)= langosta/ colt (coult)= potro/ crab (kr@b)= cangrejo/
mussels (´maselz)= mejillones/ prawns (pro:nz)= gambas/ squid (skuid)= pulpo/
aubergine (ouberzin)= berenjena/ beetroot (bi:tru:t)= remolacha/ courgette (ko:zet)= calabazin/
cabbage (´k@bidz)= repollo, berza/ steam (sti:m)= cocer al vapor/
to bake (tu beik)= hornear, cocinar en un horno/
roasted (rOustid)= asar en un horno o sobre el fuego/ boiled (bo:iled)= cocer dentro de agua/
grilled (grild)= a la parrilla/ fried (fraid)= frito, cocinar con aceite caliente o grasas/
microwave (mai krou weiv)= microndas/ cut down on (kat daun on)= consumir menos/
cut out ( kat aut)= no consumir, eliminar/ eat out (i:t aut)= comer fuera de casa/
refund (ri: fand)= dinero que te devuelven después de hacer un pago/ tram (tr@m)= tranvia
- Workbook: Pag. 4 entera, exercise 1 Vocabulary
Pag. 5 - exercise2 Pronunciation
trusted person (trasted pe:(r)sen)= persona de confianza, persona confiable/
absent-minded (absent main-ded)= despistado/ retired (retaird)= jubilado/
strawberry (´stro:beri)= fresa/ raspberry (ra:sberi)= frambuesa/ cherry (tseri)= cereza/
peach (pi:ts)= melocoton/ pear (peer)= pera/ fig (fig)= higo/ avocado (@ve´kadou)= aguacate/ sauce (so:s)= salsa/ sausage (so:sidz)= salchicha/ low fat (lou f@t)= bajo en grasa/
raw (ro:)= crudo/ tinned (tind)= enlatado/ the tin man ( de tin m@n)= el hombre hojalata/
spicy (´spai-si)= especiado/ lobster (lobster)= langosta/ colt (coult)= potro/ crab (kr@b)= cangrejo/
mussels (´maselz)= mejillones/ prawns (pro:nz)= gambas/ squid (skuid)= pulpo/
aubergine (ouberzin)= berenjena/ beetroot (bi:tru:t)= remolacha/ courgette (ko:zet)= calabazin/
cabbage (´k@bidz)= repollo, berza/ steam (sti:m)= cocer al vapor/
to bake (tu beik)= hornear, cocinar en un horno/
roasted (rOustid)= asar en un horno o sobre el fuego/ boiled (bo:iled)= cocer dentro de agua/
grilled (grild)= a la parrilla/ fried (fraid)= frito, cocinar con aceite caliente o grasas/
microwave (mai krou weiv)= microndas/ cut down on (kat daun on)= consumir menos/
cut out ( kat aut)= no consumir, eliminar/ eat out (i:t aut)= comer fuera de casa/
refund (ri: fand)= dinero que te devuelven después de hacer un pago/ tram (tr@m)= tranvia
- Workbook: Pag. 4 entera, exercise 1 Vocabulary
Pag. 5 - exercise2 Pronunciation
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